Chapter 98 - Fyrnock Maneuvers

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❶ "He's Here for Us" — Rogue One OST

Wei'ahtt sipped water from his canteen and wiped the beading sweat from his brow

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Wei'ahtt sipped water from his canteen and wiped the beading sweat from his brow. He sat on the turf under a tree while Corporal Darvan explained the next challenge in the Fyrnock.

"The Fyrnock, a manuever named after a bat-like creature that is harmless during the daytime but vicious at night, is the last exercise before you recruits graduate to the rank of specialist." The corporal huffed and swatted at a fly. "It lasts fifty-six hours. Battlefield conditions—little sleep, two MREs, and one canteen of water."

The sun was dropping behind the red cliff as Corporal Darvan said, "You have twenty minutes for the first challenge of the Fyrnock. Scale that wall in full gear."

Wei'ahtt swallowed another sip as he pulled himself up. During the last ten weeks since Naluma had escaped, there had been no hint of any kidnapping ring. The only issues that he had uncovered were the selling of narcotic death sticks to the recruits. He planned to expose the culprits during his report after breakfast tomorrow—if he survived this grueling night.

The squad stood around squabbling about how they were going to do this. Tired and grumpy, the Jedi stepped forward, taking leadership for the first time in these last ten weeks.

"You got something to say, Gundark Breath?" Holzum asked, a recruit from Arbooine.

Wei'ahtt groaned at the nickname Naluma had given him during the first week. "Yeah, I do. You two, I'll boost you up." Wei'ahtt pointed at two recruits with incredible upper body strength and long arms. "Lishatt, Parwood, sit on the top of the wall, facing each other. I push, you pull, they hop."

Holzum nodded before asking, "What about the supplies?" Crates of dummy thermal detonators lay around the vicinity.

"Easy. We'll make a chain. Man on my shoulders. Man on the ground hands to man on my shoulders. Lishatt and Parwood pass over the wall to another man on another shoulder. At the end, they hop over." Wei'ahtt looked at his chronometer. "We just wasted two minutes. How 'bout we stop talking and start moving?"

Wei'ahtt approached the wall, boosting Lishatt by the foot. Determined to complete the exercise in fewer than ten minutes, the Jedi tossed the soldiers up with a little help from the Force.

 Determined to complete the exercise in fewer than ten minutes, the Jedi tossed the soldiers up with a little help from the Force

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