Chapter 114 - Elevations

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❶ "Anakin's Theme"—The Phantom Menace OST

❷ "The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gon's Funeral"—The Phantom Menace OST

❸ "Parade of the Ewoks"—Return of the Jedi OST

❶ Padawan and Jedi yawned as the first rays of the morning sun crested above Bald Mountain

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❶ Padawan and Jedi yawned as the first rays of the morning sun crested above Bald Mountain. As the sun rose, the graduation vigil transformed from deep darkness to blazing light. Three silhouettes knelt in the chilly morning—two in Padawan gray and one in the ebony robes of a Jedi Knight.

Nearby, two knights and a master observed, attending to their protégés' needs, supporting them throughout the vigil, just as they had mentored them through their trials.

Down the hill, Lor San Tekka led the Jedi Order in procession. His ornate vestments fluttered in the morning breeze while his pointed mitre bobbed as he climbed the winding trail. Five Jedi Knights followed him, with the twenty-six Padawan traipsing behind in seniority rank.

A hundred meters behind the group, Solo and the Wookiee rubbed the sleep out of their eyes and started their ascension up the hill.

At the top of the hill, the path opened to a plateau nestled between rock faces draped with creeping kavak plants. A flock of white songbirds tweeted overhead flying past. The Jedi Knights circled the initiates while the Padawan and their guests congregated behind them.

The cleric stepped to the front and faced the initiates. "Padawan and honored Lady, are you ready to take your vows."

The spoke in unison. "Yes, Your Grace."

❷ He moved in front of Carllili. The lanky girl with brown skin trembled, her wavy locks cascading over her shoulders.

"Repeat after me, Padawan Lucbra. I, Carllili Lucbra, Padawan of the Jedi Order," he began.

"I, Carllili Lucbra, Padawan of the Jedi Order ..."

"Do solemnly swear to serve others with the Force, always to the greater good ..."

She repeated each phrase in turn.

"Forsaking all evil and selfishness ..."

"Defending the innocent and promoting justice ..."

"Respecting all life, regardless of species or creed ..."

"Displaying loyalty to no person, government, or organization, save the Jedi Order ..."

"Do you take up these vows on your own volition and promise to live them from this day forward?"

Carllili swallowed hard but straightened and answered right away in a confident tone. "I do."

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