Chapter 25: Where's Kira?

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After listening to Kira go over different plans to get back at Chris, I decided we all needed to just take a break. A lot was happening at one time, and you could tell that everything was just stressful on all of us. It's been two weeks since Kira announced that she wanted to attack Christopher's gang. A couple of my brothers said that they felt it was too soon, but that didn't stop Kira. She was determined to make the man who ruined her life, along with my others, suffer. A different side to Kira was starting to show. She was more angry, more snappy on everyone. I could tell it was affect Nika too. All he wanted to do was help, but all she was doing was pushing him away. I tried talking to him, but I knew it was not getting anywhere. All he kept saying was, "the person I love, won't allow me to love her the way she deserves to be loved." That sentence alone broke me. It wasn't Kira, nor Nika's fault. She was going through something, and all he wanted was to help; but not realizing what she was doing, she was pushing him away.

"You daydreaming?" Julian asks while bending down to kiss my cheek.

"Is it even considered daydreaming at this hour?" I frustratedly asked while looking over at the clock. It was only 6 in the morning, and I found myself not being able to sleep.

"I'm not sure, but I am sure you need to come back to bed. You've barely slept." His soft voice whispered in my ear, showing a bit of concern.

"Will you carry me?" I begged using my puppy dog eyes.

He playfully rolled his eyes as he swiftly picked me up in his arms and walked me upstairs. I loved the way he smelled. It was like a mixture of chocolate and old spice. Don't ask, I'm on a craving spree.

After Julian laid my sleepy body onto the bed and got in next to me, I felt his strong arms wrap around my body. His hold was so strong, almost like he was scared to let go. I knew I would never have to worry about getting hurt as long as I had him, he truly loved me; and I loved him.


Julian's POV

I could tell that Kita was stressed out, for the past couple nights she's been having nightmares. She thinks I don't know, but I do. When she sleeps at night, she fidgets a lot, and talk in her sleep. She usually mumbles the words "stop" or "please leave me alone". It hurts seeing the person you love going through stuff. For the past couple nights I find her waking up earlier than usual. Throughout the day she walks around with black circles around her eyes, and her skin a little paler. I know she's only stressing over Kira, and the family. She's always been so caring, and supportive to everyone.

Kira hasn't been looking too good either. She seems to get more and more depressed by the days. We all know she's hurting, but we're not sure how to comfort her.

I felt Kita's body relax in my arms as she drifted off into a deep sleep. I pulled her closer to my body, and felt my eyes begin to get heavier and heavier.


Kita's POV

"Does anyone have any medicine for a headache?" I questioned everyone while looking through any cabinet I could get my hands on.

"Check my bathroom honey!" My father called out from the living room.
I sighed in relief quickly made my way into his bathroom. I looked through the medicine cabinet and ran across a bottle that said "Ibuprofen".

"Yessss." I whispered to myself, opening the bottle to get some.

For the longest I've been having these horrible headaches, due to the lack of rest. Through the past two weeks, I've probably gotta 10 hours of sleep, maybe even less.

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