Chapter 12: The Date

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Created 11|14|16
6:47 p.m
Kita's POV

Tonight's the night of this date with Julian. I'm not going to lie, I'm kinda curious to see how everything will play out. I know I said I wasn't going to try and get in a relationship, but what if Kira and him are right? What if everything goes good? I say we just get this over with and figure out what happens next.

"Are you seriously wearing that?" Kira asked while giving me the famous stank face.

"And what in the hell is wrong with this? It's cute." I said while looking in the mirror.

It was lightly faded jeans with holes at the knees, and a long sleeve shirt with the words "Princess" written on the front.

Childish, I know. But I couldn't find anything else to keep my scars hid. It's only been about a month or so, therefore the scars haven't really started to fade yet.

"You look like a kid." She said while pointing to my shirt.

"First of all, he calls me princess so I thought this would be corny, secondly this is just a basic little "will you be my next happiness? Or next headache." date to figure stuff out. And lastly, I have scars that I'd like to hide. I don't need him giving me death glares from across the dinner table dear." I said while pulling my hair into a tight ponytail.

"Whatever Kits. But hey, do me a favor and try to have fun tonight? Even if this doesn't turn out to be what you want. At least try to have fun." She whispered while giving me a hug.

I always have loved Kira hugs. They have a way of making you feel, at home.

I grabbed my phone and quickly ran downstairs. We needed to get out this house before my brothers came in. They're not going to be 100% on board with me going on this date with him.

"Hey princess. And hey! Your shirt says princess, just like I call you princess!" Julian addressed as he had a big cute ass smile planted on his face.

I knew he'd fall for it. The corniness always brings them in.

I noticed that while I was staring at that big ass pretty smile, he as dimples. Oh come on! A pretty smile with dimples? What's next? Blushing?

And thennnnn, that's when he did it.
He fucking blushed. Let me get out of here before I marry him right here.

We quickly jumped on his Harley Davidson motorcycle and sped off down the road.

After about an hour we arrived at field. It was really pretty in a way. It had flowers literally everywhere. This is why I love this time of the year, it's right before the flowers disappear. But they made a sight that you can't forget.

"Alright, what are we doing here?" I asked as I took off my helmet.

"I wanted alone time, to get to know each other."

Again? We played 21 questions like 5 times already!

"What more do you want to know?" I asked curiously.

"Your outlook on life." He laughed.

That's different, no ones really cared about how I look at things.

He opened the seat of his motorcycle and pulled out a large sheet with two pillows.

Woah, woah, woah! He better not be trying to get his wiggly worm out the ground.

"Come on Princess, we're going to be here for while. I want this to be all about us." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to a area with flatter grass.

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