Chapter 1: First day of School

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Created : 11|13|16
Kita's POV.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Don't freeze Nikita. You got this.
Hit. Hit. Hit.
This is what you've been training for.
Hit. Hit. Hit.
Make them tired. Make them pay.
Hit. Hit. Hit. Hit. Hit. Hit. Hit.


"Nikita! Get your ass up. You're going to be late for school. And turn off that damn alarm!" Yelled my obnoxious brother, Drew. I don't see why he has to open my door and yell. My alarm already wakes me up. It's like his way of reminding me that he's always going to be an asshole.

Well, today's our first day of school. And to say I'm NOT excited is an understatement. Don't get me wrong, I do good in school. Always had good grades or otherwise my dads would kill me. I just don't like the kids there. I'm a sophomore, grade 10. Your grade varies by your age, unless you failed. But for example. Freshman, grade 9 are usually 15. Sophomore, grade 10 are usually 16. Juniors, grade 11 are usually 17. And seniors, grade 12 are usually 18. ( that's also if you're wondering what grade the boys are in ) Anyways, I don't like my school. It's too much drama, and there's way too many stuck up little bitc-- I mean, stuck up females. The only thing I look forward to is probably the sports, and my best friend Kira.

I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower and started doing what I had do. I jumped out and wrapped the towel around myself until I found something to wear. I don't really dress up, but it is my first day of school. I grabbed my white heels, my light pink minicon skirt, and a cute white shirt. I like how it showed off my curves a little. Now I know what you're thinking, "she was brought up in a gang but still dresses like that?" WELL. A girl can still be girly, but be able to knock the shit out of someone.  I then did some light makeup and let my hair flow naturally.

I walked downstairs to meet the lovely eleven faces of disgust. "Kita. What in the hell are you wearing? That is too much!" Yelled my oldest brother Max. "Maxy, calm down. It doesn't show ANY cleavage. And it is the first day of school. Loosen up a bit." I teased back to him. " The only thing that needs to loosen up in that damn skirt." Said the most powerful voice of this house, my father. All eyes shot to the tall man standing at the kitchen door. He looked aged out, worn out but he sure was one handsome man. My brothers, and cousins, (which I tend to claim as brothers so, we're going to call them brothers) starting giggling from behind me. They all knew dad had the upper hand along with my god daddy.
"But daddy! It doesn't even show anything! The skirt stops above my knees and my shirt shows NO nothing! Y'all are being dramatic." I wined back to my scary looking father. "Fine. But if anyone as much as touches you, I can't promise you your brothers will stay cool." he said while staring at the brothers who would be going to school as well. "BUT DAD. THATS WAY TOO SHORT SHE CAN'T WEAR THAT! " all my brothers yelled at one time. Scary, I know. They always do this lip sync thing. "Boys. It's just this one day, she will be fine." he responded to their over the top reaction. "Thank you daddy." I said while placing a kiss on his cheek. He smiled in return and turned to leave for "work" as he called it. He didn't forget to come by and give all of us a hug before leaving though.

My god daddy was still asleep so we probably won't see him until after school.

I grabbed an apple and made my way out the door, while trying to avoid the death glares my brothers were sending my way. I stepped out onto the porch and took in a deep breath.

It was still summer time, so the air was warm. But the way it is in Chicago, there's no telling which way the weather will go.

I heard laughter behind me and seen all seven idiots coming out the door. Only six people can fit in Maliki's car so we decided to split it. Four in Maliki's car and four in Reyn's car. I decided to ride with my twin, Nika, so we hopped in Maliki's car.

Will You Fight?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora