Chapter 8: Happy Birthday?

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Created 11|14|16
4:07 a.m
Kita's POV

Its been about a week since I've even spoken to Julian. I can't find the words to say. He sat there and attempted to express himself to me and all I did was shut him down. I'm just not in the right state of mind to be developing feelings.

"Kita come down for dinner!" I heard one of my brothers call.

It's also been a week since my dads little many speech, and boy it's been replaying in my head over and over.

It's like, I know I need to be strong. But I don't know how?

I'm doing better, I'm back to talking with my family. But it's short, and I like it that way. I find myself still wanting to break down every time my brothers look at me with them big brown eyes. I can see the pain in them. Like how my dad said he could tell when my mom was sad? Well I can tell with them too. Their eyes don't shine as much as they usually do and I know it's all because of me. I'm the reason they're like this.

I quickly ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

So tomorrow is Kira's birthday and I really want to celebrate it with her. She's turning the big 17.

I haven't gotten her anything yet, because I'm not sure what to get that I haven't already gotten before.

"So Kira what are you doing for your birthday?" Dad asked from across the table.

Everyone's head turned to Kira. They're really just trying to get her out of the house so they can throw a big surprise party.

"I'm not sure yet. Probably just go to the mall or something with Kita. Spoil myself." She said while eating her food.

"Sounds good. Y'all can borrow my car tomorrow!" Dad just about hopped out his seat when God daddy said this.

Better yet, we all did. He never lets us borrow his car.

Well, this better be one damn good surprise party.


After cleaning up after dinner we all decided on watching a movie.

"Kita pick something. You haven't picked a movie in a while." Max said while handing me the remote.

I scrolled for about 30 minutes on Netflix before I got tired of hearing everyone complain that I was taking too long. Big ass babies.

I finally decided on The Human Centipede because I knew my brothers would cringe at the sight of people mouth sewed so someone's asshole. If you haven't seen the movie, please do not ask. It will scar you for life.

After the movie was over and everyone had lost their appetite due to the movie, we decided on playing some board games.

I swear we're not a normal family. We just try to do normal family shit to blend in.

After choosing Monopoly, my favorite, we all circled around the kitchen table with the board in the middle.

I was of course the little bag of money because, GET MONEY.

Okay, let me stop. Anywaaayyyss.


We're about half way through the game and Kira is kicking our asses. She literally has bought almost every house on this damn board, and I'm about to go bankrupt.

"Um, Julian. You landed on my house. Pay up." I said while sticking my hand out.

"Oh no kid. You think you're slick? I've seen you land on my house a good 5 times and you didn't pay up not once. So until I get my money. You not getting shit." He said with a cocky attitude.

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