Chapter 9: Who Was It ?

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Created 11|14|16
7:38 a.m
Kita's POV

I sat on the ground staring at the dead body that was laying before me. It was lifeless.

That exactly how I felt, lifeless.

There comes at point in your life when you gotta ask yourself.

What am I here for?

Nobody ever really knows when they first ask themselves that question. Nobody understands that value that their life holds, so they take it for granted. We never really understand why life goes the way it goes.

Remember how I said whenever I'm fighting someone, they represent life?

Well. For the past month, Christopher represented life. Chris represented the thing that kicked my ass, and left me there. Chris represented a fight I've been trying to win for the past 4 years. Christopher Alomany represents everything that is wrong with me. This is the life he gave me. This is the life, life decided to hand me.

I honestly feel like I've lost everything now. Like my soul has been ripped out of my body and been stepped on. I feel like, Nikita Rodriguez is not Nikita anymore. Instead I'm something worse. Right now, I'm a sorry person. At least that's what I feel like.

Did I do what's right? Was Kira and I suppose to show up when we did? Was I right to grab the gun?

All these questions filled my head as I continued to look at the lifeless body on the ground.

Breathe Kita. In and out. Calm you're breathing.

My chest is starting to cave in, and I can't breathe. What is happening to me?

My fingers started to tingle as I laid myself back on the cold cement.

It's summer time but right now, this cement feels as cold as my heart, my brain, and my soul.

The person that I was is who I do not what to be.

The tingling feeling filled my body as I felt the tears falling down my face.
At this point nothing make sense to me, at this point I don't make sense.

Maybe who I've been all these years is not who I'm suppose to be, but instead I'm someone I feared. I feared this side of me for so long.

The dead body laid there in front of me, but I felt no remorse. I had no sympathy. I showed no mercy.

"Nikita come on we need to go, grab the gun let's go!" Kira screamed as she pulled my arm. She finally snapped me out of my dazed and brought me back to reality.

"The cops will be here any minute we need to go! You're covered in blood!" She screamed again.

This time I listened as I jumped onto my feet and grabbed the gun. I started running back to the car, but I didn't forget to glance over at the dead body once more.

Nikita, you are a murder.


We arrived to the house not long after considering Kira had the gas pedal to the floor.

As soon as we walked in the doo-







All my brothers and both my dads voices filled the house as Kira and I stood there.

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