Chapter 13: Get Out

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First I'd like to start off with, I apologize for any spelling errors. I'm having to use my phone, an autocorrect is a bitch. But my sister is helping me by going through and correcting any errors for me. So, I do strongly apologize but this will be a problem until I get my laptop fixed. Thank you, Nicki.

Created 11|15|16
11:12 a.m
Kita's POV

It was now the day after Julian and I's date. Last night was honestly perfect. It been a while since I could sit down and just talk. It was even us flirting either. He just listened and allowed me to talk about whatever!

Nika: Get your ass down here now.

Kita: um? Attitude? But k..

I quickly jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. I wonder what's up with Nika's attitude. Maybe it's about Christopher or something.

"So do you want to explain why the fuck you and Julian was supposedly kissing last night?" Nika quickly angrily asked.

Great. Max ran his big ass mouth. Hell, imma just make Maliki is my favorite brother.

"It's not even that serious! We went out on a simple fucking date and we happened to kiss! Big fucking deal!" I screamed as I slammed my hands on the counter.

"Not that serious?! There's a possibility he's that fucking monsters brother and you're risking it?!" He screamed.

I know there's a strong possibility that he may or may not be Julian's brother, but Julian doesn't know! And can't help it!

"What's going on here?" Adrian asked as him and the rest of my brothers came in.

"Tell them Nikita. Tell them how you kissed Julian! And went on a fucking date with him! Go ahead." He yelled.

I snapped my head towards Max who was just standing there, looking just as confused as me. Please, I know he told Nika.

"You did what?" Maliki asked as he came beside me.

"I fucking kissed Julian. And none of y'all can do anything about it. I am 16 years old! Let me grow up!" I yelled while turning to leave.

A hand grabbed my arm. I turned around to look at Reyn staring at me.

"Do you know what risk you're putting yourself at with dealing with Christopher's brother? What if they are related! What are you going to do?" He said while his grip got tighter.

"He's not like Christopher! He's better than him and he makes me feel better!" I screamed while looking at all my angry brothers.

"You are not allowed to speak to him again! You will act as if he does not even exist. If I catch y'all as much as looking at each other, I will kill him." Nika gritted under his teeth.

"Just leave me alone." I said as I felt the tears starting to form.

"What's going on?" Julian asked as he ran downstairs with a big smile on his face. It immediately disappeared when he looked at the faces of my brothers.

"If you touch Nikita, or speak to her again, you will not be allowed to live in this house. And you'll be lucky if you leave it alive." Jules said through his teeth.

Julian quickly looked at me and then back at my angry brother.

"For what? Because I actually made her happy in the first 2 months? Because did something none of you could have done?" He said as confident as he could get.

He's not scared of my brothers? That's a first.

"Julian, watch who you're talking to boy." Jules said as he stepped closer.

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