Chapter 21: Overprotective

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Created 11|21|16
Kita's POV


My alarm woke me up at exactly 6:30. What kind of shit? I honestly feel like Kira had something to do with this because my alarm usually wakes me up around 8:30.

Well since I'm awake and I know I have no luck of going back to sleep, it's time to hit the showers.

I jumped in the shower and after about 30 minutes I was out. I decided to wear something comfortable today so I went with my baby blue jogging shorts and a white muscle tank top.

I ran downstairs and started making breakfast for myself. Nobody else was going to be awake for awhile so I figured I'd just make myself some.

Pancakes sound hella good, so I guess it's going to be chocolate chip pancakes!

After cooking some pancakes and making myself some orange juice I figured I should catch up on some school work.

I always do my work before I go to bed so I'm not behind. But homeschooling is really hard. It's so easy to get behind. In all honesty, I'm starting to miss actually going to school. It was really the most normal thing about my life.


I felt my phone vibrate.

Keith: hey kita! haven't seen you or heard from you in awhile. i miss ya kid.

Kieth was my friend at school. We used to talk everyday until he started developing a crush, then I slowly turned him down.

Kita: lol I'm homeschooled now. it happened pretty randomly! but i miss ya too :)

Keith: damn that's crazy. everything okay?

Kita: yeah! just some family stuff.

Keith: we should hang out today? maybe go to the movies or something.

Kita: hmmm. sure! but this is NOT. date. just a simple friendly hang out day. got it?

Keith: yes ma'am!

I don't really think this will be that serious to my brothers because they know Keith and trust him. Julian really shouldn't care because we're just friends.

I went into the living room after eating and doing some work. Netflix tiiimmeee. I started searching over different tv shows that seemed good.
The Fosters looked good so I decided that was what I was going to watch.

"Good morning sunshine. Why are you up so early?" Max asked as he flopped down on the couch.

"Kira set a damn alarm at 6:30, but didn't even wake up." I said while rolling my eyes.

"That's Kira for you." He laughed.

He was right though. She always sets the alarm super early after going on about how she should wake up earlier, but then she never wakes up.

"Maxy, can I hang out with Keith today? He wants to go watch a movie." I asked while staring at the Tv screen.

"Sure I don't care. Just be home by 10." He calmly replied.

"Hell, I might be home earlier." I laughed.

Max knows I don't see Keith that way, like at all.

We sat there for about an hour watching tv before everyone else in the house woke up.

"Good morning princess." Julian whispered in my ear as he sat down.

I smiled in response and turned to watch my show.

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