Chapter 19: Attack Day 1

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Created 11|18|16
5:13 p.m
Kita's POV

I rolled over out of bed, and looked at the clock. 8:23 a.m. Time for Day 1 of our attack plan.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I made sure to make the water cold to wake me up. I threw on some black leggings and a black hoodie, with my black nikes.

"Why are you in all black?" Kira asked as she rolled out of bed. She was just waking up so her hair was a complete mess.

"Today we start attacking. This is what I'll be wearing tonight, alone with the girl who's dressing like me." I said while leaving the room.

I told my dad about the text I got from Christopher a couple days ago, and he's been all on Julian's ass. I don't see how Christopher would know what Julian and I were talking about. It's all fishy if you ask me. But I trust Julian, I know he'd never do anything to hurt me.

I went into the kitchen and found Nika sitting there.

"Good morning beautiful." I teased.

"Good morning Monkey. You ready for today?" He asked.

"Kinda. I'm pretty nervous, what if this doesn't work?" I asked while grabbing some fruit juice.

"I don't know Kits. But, as long as you're safe I'm fine." He said while eating his toast.

"Good morning ugly." Kira teased as she came running down the stairs in the same outfit as me.

"Yeah yeah. Good morning red head." Nika laughed while kissing her forehead.

"Awe, I think I'm going to throw up. Literally." I said while scrunching up my nose.

I was just messing with them. They know I love them.

"Anyone else awake?" Kira asked while taking my cup of juice. Asshole always stealing my stuff.

"Everyone's out back getting ready for later on." Nika said while walking towards the door.

Our whole back yard had a big ass chain linked fence that went all around. It stood about 20 feet tall. My dads kind of went a little overboard with "protecting the house". But then again, our last house got blown up.. so maybe this is smart.

"Hello girls. You ready?" My god daddy asked while handing us a gun.

"I want y'all to go do some target shooting." He ordered before walking off.

Thank god our house is far back in the woods so no one can here these damn gunshots.

Kira and I walked over to an area and started practicing shooting. This wasn't hard for me considering I've been practicing since I was 10. Kira's been practicing since she was about 7.

Let's just say our parents were crazy on us being able to protect ourselves.

"Hey princess." Julian said while kissing my neck.

"That's not smart to do with all of my brothers around with guns in their hands." I jokingly said.

"You're probably right, but I'd take a bullet any day for you Princess." He whispered in my ear.

"Well I'd rather you not die right now, so go over there and practice." I said while going back to what I was doing.

"Y'all are too cute." Kira whispered.

"Yeah yeah. Well only two of my brothers approve, and even they're a little shaky." I said while reloading my gun.

"They just want what's best for you, they'll come around." She smiled lightly.

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