Chapter 17: Sleeping Beauty

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Created 11|17|16
6:16 a.m
Kita's POV

I heard what sounded like arguing as I slowly opened my eyes. I really didn't know what was going on, or where the hell I was at.

"Wh-what's going on?" I asked as I tried to sit up. I felt a horrible pain in my stomach and immediately started to cringe. "Can someone answer me?" I asked.

Everyone was looking at me like I was some kinda of ghost.

"Yo- you're awake!" Kira screamed as she ran up to me and hugged me.

"Can I get some water?" I asked as I pushed her off of me.

I didn't mean to come off rude, but I just woke up in a hospital, not knowing how I got here, my throat hurts and my stomach is about to make me cry.

"Yeah.. sure.." Kira said as she backed away slowly.

"Can someone please explain?" I asked while looking at the tired looking places.

"Christopher shot you.. and Julian found you, thankfully. He brought you to the hospital, and during surgery you went into a coma.. you've been out for the past 3 weeks." Chase started to explain.

He doesn't talk much, but today he did. Which was weird.

"Earlier today.. yo- you're monitor went off.. you died.. but the doctors saved you." Chris continued as the tears fell down his face.

I hate seeing my brothers cry, it's probably the saddest thing ever.

I felt myself starting to cry as well. I died?

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. I shouldn't have ran away when y'all said to get in the car..." I began to cry.

"No, no. Do not blame yourself, we should have been easier on you about Julian. If it wasn't for him, you could be dead right now. Everyday he's been up here, watching over you. We almost had to drag him out of here just so he would get a change of clothes." Max began to explain as he kinda laughed at the end.

"If it wasn't for Julian, you wouldn't be talking to us right now." Nika managed to say as he walked up next to my bed.

"Thank you Julian.." I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to me.

"Thank you so much." I whispered into his ear.

"Anything for you princess." He whispered back.

"Oh you guys! Come here and give me some love!" I screamed at my big ass family.

They call circled around the bed and gave me hugs and shit like that.


"Hey that's my hair!"

"Get off my foot dad."


"Did someone fart?"

This is my family, my very very dysfunctional family. But I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.


"So I was right. The blonde bimbo was an inside man?" I asked while giving Julian and Kira that 'I told you so face'.

Right now my family was basically explaining everything that I missed over the 3 weeks.

And boy! Who knew I would miss this much. Kira cracked her phone because Nika scared her while she was taking a selfie. Then she got back at him by breaking his Xbox controller.

The other twins, Adrian and Drew got tattoos of my name on them.

My dad has another girlfriend who I'm sure will be gone by tomorrow.

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