Chapter 22: Trade For Trade

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Created 11|22|16
Kita's POV

Dear Rodriguez Family,

i have a special offer for all of you! you want Kira to see her parents? let's make a deal. you give me my man, Roger and I'll give you her parents. We will make this simple and quick. If you want it done, meet me at the warehouse no later than 10:30 sharp tomorrow.
i'll see you there!

"We have to do it." Kira demanded as she stood up.

"Kira it could easily be a trick, what if he just kidnaps you and Nikita?" Chase tried making a point.

"Then me and her won't go! Someone has to go! This is my parents." She cried out.

"We're going to go Kira. Calm down, but we need to make a plan." Dad explained.

"Maliki, Reyn, Chase, Matt, Max, and Jules I need you to meet me in my office." God daddy said while walking away.

They followed right behind them. I watched as Kira lit up just a little bit, but you still seem the dead behind her eyes. Honestly, this was all fishy to me. What if they expect Kira and I to be there? What if they don't even go through with the trade.

I didn't know what to say to Kira, or how to even comfort her in a situation like this. What do I say? Oh everything's going to be alright? No. I can't tell her that, because in reality it might now be alright. This could all fall apart, right at our feet.

I walked out onto the back porch to get some fresh air.

"Hey princess." Julian greeted me.

"When are you going to stop calling me that?" I teased.

"Whenever we get married and you become my queen." He smirk.

smooth kid. smooth.

"Do you think that Kira's parents are really in Christopher's custody?" I asked.

"Yeah. Think about it, they haven't called in weeks. The last time they were on the phone they were acting weird. And then Christopher turns around and predicts it." He explained while staring up at the stars.

"True. But what if it was Adam who told him everything?" I said while sitting down on the porch step.

"I don't think so. Did Kira ever talk about her parents around Adam?" He asked while sitting next to me.

"I'm not sure. I never really noticed." I responded.

We sat there in silence for quite a bit.



"If something's goes wrong, and y'all can't save me, I want you and my brothers to know I love you guys to death. And I'm sorry for being a brat." I whispered while burying my face into his chest.

"Don't talk like that. Because first of all, none of us will ever let anything happen to you. I can promise you that." He said while kissing my forehead. "Come on. Kira's sleeping in Nika's room tonight, so I figured I could sleep in yours. If you're fine with that?" He questioned while standing up.

I smiled in response and followed him up to my room.

I went into my bathroom to change into some sleeping clothes. Which basically consisted of a big t-shirt and some spandex shorts.

I came out of the bathroom and found Julian laying in my bed with nothing but a pair of boxers on. And sweet honey jesus, it was a sight that I can cherish FOR-EVA.

"Come cuddle." He smiled while patting my side of the bed. I quickly jumped in and got underneath the covers.

"So tell me my princess, how are you doing?" He asked while cuddling closer to me.

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