Chapter 24: 2nd Attack Plan

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Created 11|22|16
Kita's POV

Kira hasn't been doing good for the last couple days, and in all honesty she isn't getting any better. She stays locked up in our room. She isn't even coming out to eat, which is definitely not good.

"We need to figure out what to do about Kira." Nika said while running his hands through his hair. Nika feels most responsible for this because that's his girl, and he has to protect her. It's not his fault though, and everyone knows it. We couldn't stop it, and that's not our fault. Christopher is a sick, sick, man.

"Nika, we need to give her some space. She needs it." Julian said while laying his head on the counter.

To say that all of us were heartbroken was an understatement. I know it was hard for the boys to have to see that. Now we're all trying help Kira, but seeing her sad like that is hard.

"Kita, please, please try to talk to her. For me? She only trusts you." Nika pleaded with me.

I stared at my twin. I seen myself in him, not because we looked alike, but because we felt each other's pain. What he felt, I felt. And what I was feeling, I wouldn't wish on my twin.

"Yes, but I can't promise you I'll get anything out of her." I said while turning around and making my way up the stairs.

I got to my bedroom door and knocked. "Kira, baby? Can you let me in please." I called out from the other side. I heard moving around in the room and then the door opened.

She looked worn out. Nothing like the Kira I knew. Nothing like the bubbly girl I grew up with.

"If you want to talk, then talk to me sweetie. If you want me to talk and you just listen, then that's what I'll do. Or if you just want to sit here in silence and I let you cry, then that's what we'll do." I said while standing there.

She just stared at me before motioning for me to follow her. We sat down on the bed and I watched the tears fall. "I-I don't understand. How did he find them? Why would he do that to them?" She cried out.

"I-I don't know baby girl.. but we'll get back at him." I stuttered out as I started crying too.

"How?" She asked while burying her face into the pillow. "There's nothing I could do to him to describe the pain I feel right now."

"I-I don't know what to do.." I said feeling like the worst best friend ever.

"I wanna decide the next attack. I want to do it myself, all the plans, everything." She said while standing up and rushing out the bedroom door.

oh hell. what is she up to now?

"FAMILY MEETING!" I heated Kira yell from downstairs.

I heard the rest of the family rushing down into the living room.

"What's going on?" Nika whispered as we walked next to each other.

"I honestly have no idea." I mumbled while staring at the red head in the middle of the living room on the coffee table.

"I want to plan the next attack." She confidently spoke out.

Now that the light was shining on her, you could see had rough she looked. She looked almost empty. Even through all of this though, she was still so pretty.

"Okay Kira. Tell us what you got." God daddy spoke while staring at my best friend.

"I want to go full on in. The whole gang. We don't hold back." She rushed out.

"Kira we can't go full on in. We have to take time when they're not ready. They know this was hard on the family, so they'll suspect us attacking soon." My father said while walking into the room.

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