Chapter 3: Family Meeting

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Created 11|13|16
Kita's POV

"Ugh. Kita wake up!" Whined the very hung over Kira.

I rolled over and stared at my best friend, who look like complete shit.
After that tiny blow up with my brothers I don't think I want to face them.

I already know they told my dads, which is the scariest part.

I hate arguing with my brothers. I love them all so much, and I know they want nothing but the best for me. But honestly, they need to loosen up.

Another reason I do not wanna move, is because his face is stuck in my head. I can't stop thinking about him. Christopher ruined my life, at only the age 12! That's ridiculous. For 4 years I've been trying to run from that night. But every time I come close to forgetting, it finds a way I get brought back up.

"FAMILY MEETING. INCLUDING KIRA AND JULIAN." My father's voice boomed throughout the house.

I looked over at Kira and we both shared the same expression.
"Oh shit." We both said as we got out of bed and marched our way downstairs.

Right behind us was all of my brothers, looking just as confused as us. I know my dad knows, but whys he calling ALL of us just to yell at Kira and I?

We all sat down in our living room and stared at the faces of our fathers.

"We're going to start off with, Kira. Your parents contacted us this morning and something extremely important came up. They will be leaving for about 9 weeks. So, they asked for Maliki and I to take care of you. We will take you to your house to get you some clothes and other things you may need." My god father announced.

Kira just nodded her head and looked over towards me.

"Now for the both of you. We are very disappointed. We put our trust in you girls. And this is what you do? You could have been seriously hurt at that damn party. Had your brothers going all over the city looking for you! We thought you could have been killed! Nikita. I am disappointed. We all are." He motioned his hands across the room indicating himself and the boys. "But we will not punish you. I think you know what you've done was horrible. And I think you know what will happen next time this happens. And this is for the both of you, Nikita and Kiranda. Do I make myself clear?" He said sternly to Kira and I.

"Yes sir." We both said at the same time.

"Now as some of you may know Julian has been staying with us for the past week. Well, his parents have asked us if he can live with us for awhile because of some family issues. So we will make him feel at home." My father said as he looked around the room.

We all nodded and he dismissed us to our rooms.

My dads were pretty powerful men. We all respected them, and loved them. As much as they've done for us, they deserve all the respect they can get.

"So aren't you excited? I'm going to be living with you! Even though this isn't the first time, I'm pretty happy right now!" Kira screamed while jumping up and down on my bed.

"Hell yeah I'm excited. It's hard being the only girl in this house. But I wonder what's wrong with your parents?" I asked sounding a little worried.
"Probably another business trip, I'm going to call them later and find out." She said while laying down in my bed.

Kira and I have been best friends since birth. Her mom and my mom we're best friends, so once my mom died Kira and I stayed close.

"So let's not ignore that the sexy beast down there will be living with us!" I whispered/yelled.

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