Slow and Steady

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Sweetheart ❤️: I have social anxiety.

Norman nodded thoughtfully as he stared at the text. He'd had an idea that this is what had bothered her. He hadn't had much experience with Littles with social anxiety, though he had a few friends with it. He knew they could make it through this. This was just a little bump in the road, and all it meant was that they'd have to work on better communication. Even though Reagan would be scared, he knew that she could make it through. She was stronger than she thought.

"This is it?" He asked gently, referring to the text. Reagan nodded shyly, keeping her knees curled into her chest. Daddy leaned over and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her little balled up figure into his chest. "Ok baby girl. We can work through this."

Reagan nodded again,, snuggling close to Daddy. He'd taken that better than she had expected. She had honesty expected him to be upset about it. Upset that she wasn't perfect like Stephanie...

"Hey, baby, what're you thinking about?" Daddy's voice cut through her thoughts. She glanced up at him, and saw that he was looking worried for her. "Baby, it's ok, you can tell me."

Reagan sniffed a little. Should she tell him? But what if he thought she was stupid? Or annoying? What if-

"Reagan, please tell me if something is wrong. I wanna help." He murmured gently. When she still didn't say anything, Daddy decided to probe. "Were you scared to tell me?"

Reagan nodded slowly.

"Ok, were you scared because you didn't know how I'd react?" He pressed gently, rubbing her hip.

Reagan hesitantly shook her head. She knew what his reaction would be, or so she had thought.

Daddy thought for a moment. Why was she still upset? "Is it because you thought I'd be mad?"

After a few moments, Reagan nodded. She curled herself up more, wrapping her arms tightly around her knees and bringing them into her chest. Daddy's arms around her tightened comfortingly, and he gave her cheek and temple kisses. "Baby girl, I'm not mad. I'm happy that you told me this." He murmured. "I love you, sweetheart. I'd never be mad at you, never in a million years."

Reagan nodded more, and felt Daddy's arms wrapping around her waist, separating her knees from her chest and breaking her little ball. She felt herself instinctively suck in her gut, hoping that she'd feel skinny to Daddy. She was pulled into his lap, where she sat gingerly. She still felt insecure about her weight. She really was getting fatter, and yet Daddy still refused to acknowledge it. She needed to lose weight again. And this time they weren't on vacation. Daddy was hardly home as it was, he'd never find out! Yeah, and she'd lose so much weight and Daddy would be so happy with her!

"Baby girl, look at me," Daddy's voice once again broke her focus. She glanced at him, and he gently grabbed her chin in his hand. "Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"No." She mumbled.

"Are you sure?" He pressed. Reagan felt a little anxious now. What if Daddy knew about her plan?

"Yes." She whispered.

"Really? Baby I felt you suck in your tummy." Daddy stated. Well great, now she couldn't lose weight. "Sweetie, do you feel fat?"

Reagan's eyes beaded with tears. Daddy knew she was fat! He knew and now he'd be turned off by her and be disgusted and ashamed with her! He wouldn't love her anymore! No one liked fat girls.

"You're not fat, sweetheart. You're perfect." He murmured, leaning down and giving her a soft kiss.

Reagan shook her head and tried pulling herself off of his lap, only to have him grab her and gently pin her to the bed, her head resting on the pillows while Daddy's hands were positioned on either side of her waist. "Baby, you're not fat. I swear you're not. You're the most beautiful, perfect little girl I know."

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