Seduced by a Sucubbus

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Norman headed into his office, relaxing into his chair. He sighed as the leather cradled his back, and he took a moment to spin around and face the window. He was on the 16th floor of the building, and he could look out over the skyline of New York City. Cars, trolleys, buses, and taxis sped around on the road below him, and he watched a few birds flying in the distance. He couldn't hear anything except for the humming of the AC and the soft murmur of people outside his office door. He tapped the arm rest on his chair, his eyes scanning the scenery for his apartment complex. He found it easily and watched the 21st floor, knowing that Reagan was on that floor, probably watching movies or eating pop tarts. He glanced at the clock on his wall, noticing that it was 10. He pulled his phone out and pulled Reagan's contact information up, sending her a quick message.

Norman: Good morning, sweetheart. 🎈

Almost instantly, he received a text back.

Sweetheart ❤️: Morning Daddy!!! 💝💖🦄🤡

He chuckled. Reagan had been obsessed with the clown emoji ever since it came out.

Norman: You're a dork. A cute, adorable, precious little dork. I love you. ❤️

Sweetheart ❤️: Love you more! 💝💝💝

Norman: Love you the most. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sweetheart ❤️: Nuh uh! Love you the most-er. 💝💝💝💝💝

Norman chuckled.

Norman: Keep telling yourself that, baby girl. Daddy has a surprise for you when he gets home. 😘

Sweetheart ❤️: So do I. 💖🎁

Then he shut his phone off, setting it on his desk and opening his laptop up. While he waited for it to load some documents, his door opened. He glanced up and saw Kristen standing there, a stack of papers in her hands.

"I have the reports from Vicki Simmons, Norman." She stated, smiling sweetly.

He smiled back. "Thank you, Kristen. Just set them on my filing cabinet." He said, typing on his laptop.

Kristen did that, and then she walked back to the door. Norman paid no attention, until the door shut with Kristen still inside. He lifted his head up. "Can I help you with something?"

Kristen turned and smirked at him. Now Norman noticed her outfit. Her blouse was extremely tight on her, and her breasts practically spilled out of the shirt. Her skirt was very short as well, and he could almost see the polka dot patterned panties she was wearing. Norman clenched his jaw, knowing exactly what she was trying to do.

"Yes, you can help me," she said softly, walking to the edge of his desk, "Daddy."

"No." He said instantly. Only Reagan was allowed to call him 'Daddy'. "Have you already forgotten that I'm in a relationship?"

"She doesn't have to know what happens here." Kristen stated, leaning down so that her cleavage was exposed to him.

"I am in a very happy relationship with my princess, and I am not interested in having an affair." Norman growled, trying to keep his voice steady and low.

"Come on, Daddy. I promise I'll be good." Kristen whined, pouting her lip.

"Don't call me that. You're not my Little." He said, clenching his fists under the table.

"Then make me your Little. I promise I'm be better than last time. I've grown up." She stated, straightening up. Then she unbuttoned her blouse, letting it fall to the floor. Norman quickly averted his eyes.

"I said no. Get back to your work space now or else." He warned, keeping his eyes away from the practically naked woman in front of him.

Kristen didn't listen. Instead, she walked around to his side of the desk, standing in front of him and forcing him to look at her. Her bra was the same one he had bought her for her birthday. It was a polka dot patterned bra that had a little black bow between the cups. Her skirt was riding up her hips, exposing her panties. She bit her finger gently. And despite Norman not liking Kristen, she was wearing something very revealing. Something he'd love to see on Reagan, and just imagining Reagan in that outfit made him hard.

Kristen took it the wrong way and smirked, climbing onto his lap. His daydream was ripped away from him as Kristen smirked down at him, running her fingers through his hair. "Fuck me, Daddy." She moaned.

This was too much for Norman. He reached around her and into his filing cabinet, pulling out a little slip of paper. Kristen looked excited and started to grind on him, but Norman focused on writing. Then he tore the slip and sat back, holding it up. Kristen stared in confusion at the piece of paper.

"What's this?" She asked, taking the slip. "Wh-what?" She whispered, her eyes wide as she read over the slip.

"You're employment has been terminated for sexually harassing an authority." Norman said, his blue eyes hard and cold. "In other words, you've been fired for trying to get into my pants."

Kristen's eyes were wide and tears were welling in them. Norman glared at her, though. "Go pack your stuff. I expect you to be out of here by noon."

Kristen stared at him, tears running down her face. "B-but I promised to be good. I promised to be a good princess for you."

Norman shrugged. "I already have the perfect one at home. Now go, before I call security."

Kristen let out a soft sob and pulled her clothes on, running out of his office and slamming the door shut. Norman sat back with a groan, his erection bothering him now. He grabbed his phone.

Norman: Wanna see a sneak peek of your surprise, sweetheart?

Then he unzipped his pants a little so that his erection was outlined against his underwear. He snapped a picture and sent it to Reagan. After a moment he got a response.

Sweetheart ❤️: I like this surprise. 😉

He chuckled.

Norman: Be ready, baby girl. Daddy's bringing out the blindfold. ❤️

Sweetheart ❤️: 🙈🙊🦄

He smirked.

Norman: Goofball ❤️

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