Try To Comfort

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Later that day, as Norman and Reagan were heading home, there was a heavy tension in the atmosphere. Molly was Reagan's first friend in a long time. She'd even go as far as saying that Molly was her best friend. Molly couldn't go to prison. She did nothing wrong!

Norman glanced at Reagan, who was sucking on her pacifier nervously. He reached over and took her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. She looked over at him, trying to look confident and sure, but it just wasn't happening. She was scared.

"It'll be ok, sweetheart." Norman said, smiling slightly, though inside he was just as scared as she was.

"Are you sure?" Reagan asked, her fears rising up.

Norman didn't answer. He didn't want to lie to her, and truthfully, Molly may not get out of this unharmed. Reagan knew this too. She wasn't an idiot. She knew the likelihood of Molly going to prison. She just wanted some comfort from Daddy.

"Hey Daddy, when we get home, can we bake cookies?" Reagan asked.

"Sure thing, princess. Then we can take a bath." Norman said, smiling at her. He didn't want her to worry about Molly. The stress wasn't good for his little princess.

"Yay." She mumbled, looking out the window. Molly's trial wasn't until Monday, but that was a few days away.

When they got home, the first thing Reagan did was go to the bedroom and change into a onesie. Norman started to thaw the cookie dough out and changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. Reagan sat in the kitchen, waiting for Norman to return. When he finally did, he got a call on his cell. "Hold on sweetheart, Daddy has to take care of this and then we can bake." He stated, holding the phone up to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Reedus. Does Molly have a lawyer yet?" Sean asked. "I just got the call from Damian."

"I don't know. Maybe, but you'd have to check with her on that." Norman said.

"Do you think they'll let me defend her?" Sean was a lawyer.

Norman sucked in a sharp breath. He hoped that Sean could testify for his friend, but would it be allowed? "I don't know. I mean, you two are friends, the court may think that it's unfair." Reagan was listening closely to the conversation, glancing at Norman from time to time.

Norman heard Sean sigh. "Shit man, you're probably right." He said.

Norman sighed. "I hope she gets one soon. Reagan's pretty upset about all of this."

"Same with Stephie. I keep telling her that it'll be ok but I'm starting to doubt that myself." 

"Surely they can't just arrest her if Damian didn't call the police, right?" Norman asked.

"Well, someone has 'evidence' of the abuse. The police's job is to protect civilians." Sean pointed out. 

Norman let out an irritated growl. "Well we can't just sit back and not do anything!" He growled, glancing at Reagan. She was in the kitchen, pretending to not hear anything. "I don't want Reagan to lose her friend." 

"Ok, even if Molly somehow got convicted, she'd still be able to visit." Sean pointed out.

"I don't want my baby girl to be in a prison. They give me the creeps." He mumbled. 

"True. Hey listen man, I gotta go." Sean stated. "Talk to ya in a bit."

"See ya." They both hung up and Norman let out a sigh, setting the phone down on the counter and going into the kitchen. He walked up behind Reagan and placed his hands on her hips. He wanted to hold her and make everything less scary for her. "How're the cookies coming along, princess?"

"They're ok." Was all she said. She was scared for Molly. 

"Sweetheart turn around." Norman ordered. Reagan set the cookie dough down and turned to face him. When she did, Norman saw tears rolling down her cheeks. Her eyes were already starting to get bloodshot and swollen. "Sweetheart, come here." He murmured. "Come snuggle Daddy." 

Reagan threw her arms around his neck, burying her face into it and sobbing. Norman held her tightly, brushing her hair back and rubbing her sides, giving her head kisses every now and then. He felt awful. His precious little girl was crying and there was nothing he could do about it. But holding her seemed to be the best he could do now. He closed his eyes and held her tight. 

He hoped they'd win the trial.

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