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It was dark. Reagan couldn't see anything. She could tell she was sitting on something, but didn't know what. She tried moving her hands, but they were bound behind her by something rough. Rope. She tried moving her feet, but those were also bound by rope. She tried blinking, and felt that there was something covering her eyes. 

"Reggie," oh god. Not him. Not him. "How are you, Reggie?"

"Please, don't hurt me." She begged. 

"I miss you, Reggie," Will murmured, and she felt the steel tip of a blade pressing against her knee. "Come back home." 

Reagan let out a cry, tears soaking into the blindfold. But then, she felt hands untie the cloth, letting it fall into her lap. Will stood there, looking the exact same as he had three years ago. Short blonde hair, dark grey eyes. The same man. She had a nickname for him. Lucifer. "Hi, babe." 

Reagan woke up screaming. Beside her, Norman shot up out of the bed, all of his concern on her. Reagan felt a couple tears drop out of her eyes, and her hands were shaking terribly. "Sweetheart! What's wrong?" Norman asked, scooting closer to her. But Reagan's mind was on Will. That's who she saw, not Norman. She backed away from him, shaking her head, when suddenly, the bed dissapeared from under her, and she toppled off of it. She squeaked, and Norman was down on the floor beside her. "Baby girl, are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?" 

Reagan sat up, taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down. Norman hesitantly reached for her, only to have her flinch. He sat back and waited for her to calm down, though it was killing him to not know what was wrong with her and not be able to comfort his princess. Finally, after several minutes of Reagan panting and trying to steady her heart, she glanced at Norman. "Sorry." She whispered. "I had a bad dream." 

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart. Do you want to talk about it?" Reagan shook her head. The last thing she wanted to do was relive that. "Do you want to go back to bed?" And have that nightmare again? Hell no. Reagan shook her head again, letting more tears roll down her face. Norman nodded and stood up. Then he bent down and slithered one arm under her knees and one arm under her head. "C'mon, let's go watch a movie and have some milk. Do you like chocolate milk?" 

"Yes." She whispered. Norman took her into the living room and set her on the couch, turning the TV on. Luckily, The Little Mermaid was already in. He pressed 'play' and went into the kitchen to get her a glass of chocolate milk. 

Reagan looked up as Norman came in with a bright pink cup with a huge curly straw sticking in it. "Here you go, hon." He murmured, setting the cup down on the coffee table. Then he went into the Little Room and pulled out a light blue blanket. He wrapped it around her shoulders and gave her temple a kiss. "Are you hungry?" Reagan hesitated. She was, but didn't want to take advantage- "It's ok if you are. I'd rather have you full and happy rather than hungry and miserable." She still didn't say anything. "Ok, well I'm gonna make a plate of chicken nuggets. You can eat however many you want." He declared, getting up and heading into the kitchen. 

Reagan watched TV for a bit, when Norman sat down beside her. He was holding Stephanie's pacifier that she gave Reagan. "Do you wanna use this? Stephanie says this helps with stress." Norman said, offering her the paci. Reagan shook her head. She didn't want to look childish. "Sweetie, I'm not going to judge. Frankly, I think it's cute when Little's suck on their paci's." She still wasn't sure, but she took it anyway. Just then, the microwave beeped. Norman got up and walked away, leaving Reagan staring at the pacifier. She bit the bottom of her lip. She was technically a Little, unless there was some sort of initiation to it. And Little's used these. Well, Stephanie used these. And Steph and Sean seemed pretty happy together. Reagan timidly stuck the paci into her mouth, getting used to the feeling. Then, she sucked on it, moving her tongue around the soft, squishy end. She started gnawing it a little. She had to admit, it preoccupied her. And she was so preoccupied with the paci, that she didn't hear Norman coming up with a plate of nuggets. He smiled at her, thinking it was absolutely the cutest. Norman came up behind her, setting the chicken on the coffee table. Reagan quickly spat it out, looking at Norman shocked. 

"You can keep using it, sweetheart. You're adorable with it." Norman stated, sitting beside her and picking up the paci off of her lap. He offered it to her. She had to admit, feeling the little thing in her mouth distracted her from her nightmare. She hesitantly took it back, but leaned forward a don grabbed a chicken nugget. She ate it and started sucking on the paci, and Norman leaned over, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Reagan leaned into him. The pacifier was making her feel better, she had to admit, and she felt herself getting drowsy. She closed her eyes, slowly falling back asleep. 

Norman looked down at the sleeping girl under his arm, her pink pacifier stuck in between her lips. He smiled and leaned down, giving her cheek a kiss. He knew it was too soon to be in love with her, but he definently liked her. A lot. Then again, he fell in love easily. And she was making it hard for him not to love her. She was so sweet and cute, so small and little, and he could just hug her all day and never have a care in the world. He wrapped her in his arms, pulling her down so that she was laying on top of him. She stirred a little bit before relaxing again, resting her head in the crook of his neck. He smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and closing his eyes. 

Another short chapter. -.- I feel like I'm lacking. Lol. If anyone has suggestions let me know in the comments or message me!

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