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(Sean and Stephanie and the ring)

Molly would get released on Wednesday, and Damian was thrilled to have her back. Sean and Norman were talking calmly in the lobby while Stephanie and Reagan were talking excitedly beside them. Reagan was happy that her friend was back and that she would be home in a few days. 

"I hope our Daddies take us to get some ice cream!" Stephanie squealed, bouncing on her toes.

"My Daddy promised me ice cream if we won the trial!" Reagan stated excitedly. 

"I'm going to get a chocolate cone! A huge one!" Stephanie exclaimed, glancing at Sean. Then she glanced down at her ring, a loving look in her eyes as she twirled the ring on her finger. "I can't believe I'm going to get married." She mumbled, still smiling with tears in her eyes.

"Do you know what the theme's going to be?" Reagan asked, clapping her hands together. 

"I'm not sure yet. All I know is that I want pink! The cake is going to be pink, my dress, I'm even trying to convince Daddy to wear a pink tie." She giggled, clapping her hands together. 

Reagan giggled and looked down at her own hand. Her ringless hand. She couldn't help but wonder if Norman was ever going to propose to her, and if he did, what would the ring look like? Would it be big and pretty like Stephanie's? Or more simple? And where would he propose at? You couldn't get much better than the beach at sunset. Maybe Christmas time, when there'd be one last present on the tree for her, and it turned out to be a ring. Thinking about Norman proposing to her made her extremely excited, and she felt butterflies zooming around in her stomach.

"Hey Reagan, can I ask you something?" Stephanie asked, smiling hugely. Reagan nodded, smiling brightly. "Do you wanna come dress shopping with me tomorrow? I don't want to do it alone." She said.

"Why not take Sean with you?" Reagan asked. 

Stephanie laughed like Reagan said the funniest thing ever. "The groom's not supposed to see the dress until the wedding day! Otherwise it's bad luck for the marriage." 

Reagan smiled. "Yeah, let's go dress shopping!" She squealed.

"What're you two talking about?" Daddy demanded from behind her. Reagan turned around with a huge smile on her face.

"Can Stephanie and I go dress shopping tomorrow? Pretty please?" She asked, smiling hugely. 

Norman smirked, then glanced at Sean. Sean shrugged and went over to stand behind Stephanie, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I don't see why not. I'll give you guys a ride if you want." He offered. 

"Yay!" Reagan squealed, ignoring the many eyes on her as she bounced into Daddy's arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She exclaimed.

"You're going to stay with them the entire time, right?" Sean asked, rubbing Stephanie's shoulders. "I don't want my little pumpkin to be in there by herself."

"Of course." Norman said.

"But Mister Norman, you can't tell Daddy about the dress! Not even the color!" Stephanie declared, pointing a finger at Norman.

He smiled and nodded. "Ok, come on. Let's go get some ice cream from the mall. I promised her ice cream if we won the trial." 

The group headed to the ice cream shop in the mall and ordered cones. After their little celebration, they each headed home. 

When Norman and Reagan got home, Reagan bounced into the bedroom to change out of the adult clothes and into something more comfortable. But when she was browsing through her doll outfits and onesies in just her panties and bra, she felt Norman's strong, soft hands on her sides. His lips met her neck in soft kisses. Reagan giggled and turned around, gazing up at him with big grey eyes. "What do you have planned for tonight?" She asked in a soft, seductive voice.

Norman smirked and moved his hands up her sides, towards her breasts. "How about a little celebration of our own?" He asked in a husky voice. Reagan let out a soft sigh and nodded, feeling her core heating up. Norman continued to kiss her neck as he leaned down to pick her up. She jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist, letting him lead her to the bed. Once his legs were hitting the bed, he gently set her onto the soft mattress.

Sorry this chapter is so crummy. I'm really tired and wanna sleep, but I needed to update this for you guys...*falls asleep*

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