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After nearly five hours of straight travel, they finally landed in California. For the rest of the plane ride, the others had left them alone. Eventually Reagan fell back into Little Space, though she had dialed it down a little and had only snuggled with Daddy and watched princess movies with him on his tablet. By the time they arrived in California, it was five in the morning. Daddy was carrying Reagan's bag while Sean carried Stephanie's. She felt a little bad for making Norman carry her bag, but he'd insisted.

"Daddy, I can carry it. Imma big girl." Reagan insisted, following him to a cab. They had to take separate cabs because they could only fit two or three people in the backseat.

"I know you are, sweet pea. But Daddy wants to spoil his little princess." He stated, placing the bags in the trunk of the cab. "Go sit in the car while I adjust these."

"No." Reagan pouted. Instantly Daddy's eyes fixed on her and he glared.

"You don't tell me no. Do you understand? Or else you're standing in the corner for a half hour in the hotel." He threatened, placing the bags down. Reagan rolled her eyes a little bit and crossed her arms. She wasn't intentionally trying to be naughty, she was just tired. "What was that?" Daddy demanded, slamming the trunk shut. The loud bang from the trunk made her jump a little bit, and Norman's eyes instantly softened. "Baby girl I'm sorry I scared you." He apologized, walking over to her and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.

"I'm sowwy. For being a brat." She mumbled, snuggling close to him.

"Don't tell me no or roll your eyes at me anymore, ok? Daddy doesn't like sass from his little princess." Norman pulled away from her and gave her a quick, loving kiss before opening the door for her. She got in and Norman opened the cab's trunk again, pulling out her blue blanket, a pacifier, and a neck pillow for her. Then he got in on his side and offered them to her, helping her get tucked in and adjusted before putting her seatbelt on again. "Now when we get to the hotel, you're going to sit in timeout for five minutes. For sassing me and telling me no." He stated, giving her temple a kiss. She nodded, leaning against him while closing her eyes.

After a few minutes they arrived at the hotel, just as Stephanie and Sean were arriving. Stephanie was out like a light, and Sean had her legs wrapped around his waist while her arms were around his neck and her head on his shoulder. His luggage was sitting beside him with a bellboy standing there, holding the bags in both hands. Norman got out, just as another bellboy came out and grabbed their bags. Reagan and fallen asleep, and Norman took her out with ease.

"Looks like someone was tired." Sean stated, smiling down at Stephanie.

"Yeah. She's such a cutie when she's asleep." Norman said, holding Reagan bridal style. He leaned down and gave her another kiss before letting Sean lead them into the hotel lobby. They got their rooms and headed to them. They were on the fifth, and top, floor of the hotel and they had an overlook of the ocean. Sean and Steph had the room next to Norman and Reagan. Norman set Reagan on her bed while Sean looked around the room in admiration.

"Damn. An ocean view. The girls are gonna flip when they see it." Sean stated, bouncing Stephanie a little and earning a whine in response. "Ok sweetheart. Let's get to bed." He murmured, turning around and heading out. "Night Reedus!" He called over his shoulder.

Norman tucked the covers over Reagan's shoulders. He had thought about her punishment, but decided against it. She was out cold, and he didn't want her to be even more crabby. So he let her sleep, giving her temple a kiss, and heading into the bathroom to get cleaned up a bit before crawling in beside her. While he held her close to him, he pulled out Leo the stuffed lion. Then he tucked it close to Reagan, where she latched on like a leach. Her soft snores filled the air, and Norman smiled. He was the luckiest man on earth.

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