Bella Notte

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After a few moments, Daddy pulled his lips away from her forehead. "Come on, do you wanna help me set the table?" He asked.

"Yeah!" She said smiling, thrilled that Daddy was a daddy again and she was his little princess.

"What did you make?" He asked.

"'Pasghetti!" Reagan exclaimed, skipping into the kitchen. She was so happy that things had been cleared up with Daddy. She hated it when he was sad, even though she hadn't seen him sad all that much.

"Good thing, baby girl. Daddy's starving." He said, giving her cheek a kiss and started serving the plate. "Now let's eat those num nums."

Reagan giggled at his choice of words. "You're so silly, Daddy."

"Not as silly as you, princess." He countered, giving her temple a kiss.

"Nuh uh! You're the silliest." She declared, using her baby voice.

"Hm, I don't think so." He said, handing her a plate full of pasta. "I think you're the silliest little girl I know."

"Then you're the silliest daddy I know." As countered, taking the fork from Daddy.

"Maybe, but I'm also the sexiest." He stated, smirking proudly.

Reagan blushed heavily and giggled, hiding her face in her hands and whispered "Nuh huh."

Daddy scoffed. "Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart. We both know the truth."

Reagan giggled and took a bite of spaghetti as Daddy opened the cupboard. He took out two wine glasses and set them on the counter. Then he went over to his wine rack and pulled out a bottle of wine. He poured the two glasses while Reagan giggled a little. When Daddy came over and set the wine glass down in front of her, she couldn't stop the giggle fit. "Daddy, that's against the rules. You're so silly!"

Daddy shrugged a little. "We can ignore that for tonight. And I'm only allowing you one glass." He winked, scooting the wine glass towards her.

Reagan smiled softly and took a small sip of the bitter wine. She was never a big fan of wine, and couldn't hold back the disgusted look. Daddy chuckled. "You don't like it?"

"No," she said, "too bitter."

Daddy took the wine glass from her and got back up, grabbing another glass and this time filling it with fruit punch. "Here you go, sweetie. I think this is more your speed." He said, setting the glass in front of her and sitting next to her, grabbing his fork. Except he didn't have any food in front of him.

"Daddy, where's your food?" She asked.

"I don't wanna dirty any more dishes today so we're sharing." He said, twirling some of her spaghetti around his fork and stuffing it into his mouth.

Reagan smiled softly and took a sip of her fruit punch. They are in silence, and then Reagan heard soft music playing. It sounded familiar...

She suddenly gasped and blushed. It was the Lady and the Tramp song for when they had dinner! She smiled softly as Daddy smirked at her, and she giggled a little when he winked.

"Oh this is the night, it's a beautiful night
And we call it bella notte."

Daddy smirked and set the phone on the island, letting the music play loudly as they ate.

"Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes
On this lovely bella notte."

Reagan smiled and twirled the spaghetti around her fork, and noticed that Daddy was watching her eagerly. He too started weaving the pasta with his fork, very close to Reagan's. She suppressed the giggles as he ate the spaghetti, only to find that the spaghetti wasn't the same as the one on Reagan's fork. She giggled at Daddy's frustrated look as he grumpily ate his food.

"Side by side with your loved one,
You'll find enchantment here."

He tried again, this time stabbing a meatball instead of the pasta. Reagan giggled as he growled. He just wasn't getting it!

Then his face brightened a bit, and he glanced up at her. She blushed a little and bit her lip, just as Daddy offered her his fork. She took it happily and smiled, eating the meatball.

"The night will weave its magic spell,
When the one you love is near!"

Daddy tried again, spinning the spaghetti around his fork close to hers. This was his last chance; there was only a little bit left. He narrowed his eyes in concentration as he lifted his fork, and his eyes gleamed as he noticed a slight strain on the opposite end. He got it! He tugged gently, until the single strand of spaghetti was revealed to be attached to Reagan's fork as well! Reagan smiled and clapped at Daddy's achievement, and quickly took the bite into her mouth. Daddy did the same, and the closer they got, the brighter Reagan's cheeks got.

Then, finally, just as their lips were inches apart...the piece of pasta broke.

Daddy groaned and dropped the fork. "Fuck this," he mumbled, before grabbing her face in his hands and placing a firm, loving kiss on her lips. She smiled and closed her eyes, just as the song ended.

"Oh this is the night, and the heavens are right!
On this lovely bella notte!"

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