Bad Daddy

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They went to Red Lobster after Reagan got dressed. The place was busy as usual, but not completely packed. The hostess led the group over to a vacant table in the corner of the restaurant. Reagan sat down by the window while Norman sat beside her. She opened the menu, though she knew she didn't want to eat. But she had to order something, or else Norman would realize something was wrong. She was browsing through the specials when she felt her eyelids start to get heavy. Then the perfect excuse came to her head. She let out a yawn and leaned against Daddy, letting her eyes close.

"What looks good, sweetheart?" Norman asked, wrapping an arm around her to secure her to his side.

"Nothing. I'm seepy." She mumbled, snuggling closer to his side.

"Baby you gotta eat." He stated.

"Can't I just eat off of your plate?" She mumbled, yawning a little.

Norman sighed and gave her a small kiss. "Ok sweetie. Just make sure you eat something. We may go out for ice cream later. And little girls who don't eat their dinner don't get ice cream."

Reagan sighed and snuggled into Norman, giving his chest a few kisses. He smiled and ordered the lobster with shrimp on the side. Once the food arrived, Reagan didn't stir, just kept her eyes shut. Though she could smell the delicious aroma of the seafood, she didn't make any attempts to eat any. Norman took notice of this. He stared at her for the longest time, watching her eyes flick around under her eyelids and he noticed that her cheeks tinted red. Norman nudged her shoulder, making her whine. Though he knew she was awake.

"Baby sit up and eat. Now. Or else you're standing in the corner at the hotel instead of going back to the beach." He warned.

"I don't feel good..." She mumbled, keeping her eyes shut. She couldn't eat. If she did eat, she'd get fat and Norman would fall out of love with her.

"Baby quit lying. You know I don't like it when you lie." He stated, pulling away from her. "Now sit up and eat this shrimp. I ordered it for you."

Seeing no way out of not eating around Norman, Reagan reluctantly sat up and grabbed a butterfly shrimp. At once the heavenly taste flooded through her mouth. Daddy scooted closer to her and gave her cheek a kiss. "Why didn't you want to eat?"

Reagan didn't say anything, and that confirmed Norman's suspicion. She had just tried to starve herself in front of him. Something had definitely happened in the bathroom. Now he'd have to lock the bathroom tonight to keep Reagan from throwing it up. And he REALLY wanted to make love to her now. He needed to make her feel loved and beautiful. She was beautiful.

After Red Lobster, all of them decided to go shopping for swimsuits. Norman's mind was swimming with theories of why Reagan tried to starve herself. He started to piece small things together, and organized the clues. Reagan's swimsuit supposedly broke. She was crying in the bathroom. She wasn't crying before the bathroom. Someone must've said something in the bathroom that made Reagan cry. The idea that someone made his precious sweetheart cry made his blood boil. But it also made him hurt. She lied to me about that. Does she not trust me? If she didn't trust him enough to tell him something like this, was he being a bad Daddy? He always thought he was good at being a Daddy, but maybe that's why all the Little's before Reagan had left. He'd just been a bad Dom.

While the girls were browsing through bikinis and one pieces, Norman and Sean were sitting down on soft cushiony chairs watching. Sean glanced at Norman and noticed his "thinking face". "Hey man, what's wrong? You look like you're trying to take a shit."

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Do you think I'm a good Dom?" Norman asked, sounding a little pained.

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