Special Kisses

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Reagan felt bad about what she did to Daddy, but she had to push him away a little. She didn't want to be snuggled like that in public. Especially with Norman trying to convince her that she was beautiful, even though she clearly wasn't. When the food arrived, Reagan only ate about half of the salad, claiming that she wanted to save some for lunch tomorrow. Daddy didn't seem to mind, and he ate most of his food before boxing it up, too. Stephanie had ordered a kids chicken nuggets with grapes and apple juice and had finished it. Reagan couldn't help but notice that Stephanie was skinny, despite her eating ten chicken nuggets by herself. And if she ate junk food, too, then why wasn't she larger than that? Was Reagan eating too much junk food? Feeling even worse about herself, she sighed and looked down at her lap, listening to Stephanie and Sean laughing about something.

Norman looked over at Reagan again, seeing that she was looking down at her lap. And even though he couldn't see her face, he could tell that she was feeling upset about something. It hurt him, knowing that she was saddened by something and he didn't know what it was. He scooted closer to her and gave her a small kiss on her temple. "Do you wanna go home, baby girl?" He asked. Reagan nodded a little, and they stood up from the booth, saying goodbye to everyone before paying their part of the bill and leaving.

When they arrived at the apartment, Reagan headed straight to the Little Room. She sat down with a stuffed animal in her lap and crayons on her desk, and she started to doodle little flowers and rainbows across the page. Bright colors always seemed to make her feel better. Daddy was sitting in the living room with his laptop, though she didn't know what he was doing.

About halfway through her drawing, she felt her phone vibrate in her jean pocket. She pulled her phone out and saw a new message from Stephanie.

Stephanie: Hi!! How are you???

Reagan: Alright. You?

Stephanie: Amazing!!! Daddy just got done giving me special kisses!!!  😍😍😍❤️

Reagan blushed heavily, having an idea of what "special kisses" were.

Reagan: That's good. :)

Stephanie: Yeah! I love it when he gives me them. They make me feel so loved by him! ❤️❤️❤️

Reagan bit her lip. She could use a little bit of love.

Reagan: Ok, sounds cool. I gtg. Daddy needs me.

She got up and headed into their bedroom, laying down on the bed before pulling her phone out again, but her fingers hovered over the keypad, slowly starting to shake with nervousness. What if he didn't want to do that with her? Or if it was taking things too fast? They'd only been together for about half a month. Maybe she should wait. But what if she would never get brace enough to do this again?

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, tapping on the phone.

Reagan: Daddy, can I ask you to do something?

She peeked her eyes open, glad that autocorrect was working.

Daddy: Sure sweetheart. What do you need?

Reagan swallowed her nervousness, slowly typing on the phone.

Reagan: Can you give me special kisses?

Her finger hovered over the "send" button, shaking with fear and anxiety. She took a ragged breath. Do it! A voice in her head screamed, and, closing her eyes once again, she hit "send". She opened her eyes, watching as the message sent.

After a couple of tense, anxious seconds, Reagan heard Daddy's heavy footsteps coming down the hall.her heart started quickening as he opened the door, peeking in. Reagan's legs instantly slammed shut again, and she sat up. She felt like her stomach was rising and she felt like throwing up.

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