Rule Chart

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Reagan helped Daddy clean up the milk mess before sitting down at the island. She still wanted her chocolate milk, but didn't want to make anymore messes. Daddy noticed. He took out a child's sippy cup and started filling it with more chocolate milk. Then he set it in front of her and started pouring the pancake batter into the pan. Reagan was hesitant like before with the paci. But then again, the paci did help her calm down a little and it felt nice. So she took a sip from the cup, liking how she didn't make a mess. Now, in her mind, she felt better. "So sweetheart, today we're gonna start making some rules, ok?" He stated, flipping over a cake. Reagan set her sippy cup down at stared at him. 


"Yes, sweetheart. We're gonna make some rules." He said, taking two plates and some maple syrup and setting them on the counter beside him. "If you'd like, you can start decorating the page a little." 

Reagan took the paper and some markers, and she started doodling some flowers and hearts around the edge of the paper. She only meant to doodle a little bit around the edges, but like many things around here; coloring brought out her childlike state and she couldn't settle for just coloring the edges. She soon found herself doodling flowers and hearts inside the paper as well, and she drew small dogs, cats, and horses, too. 

Norman glanced behind him at Baby Girl. She as coloring on the paper a bit too much. He chuckled and walked up to her, looking at the brightly colored paper. "That's beautiful, Princess." He stated, smiling. Baby Girl blushed brightly and she smiled, continuing to color. Norman couldn't help but notice that she didn't blush and stop coloring, like he assumed she would. He liked the change, knowing that she was slowly but surely sinking into the lifestyle he loved. He walked around the island and stood behind Sweetie, slowly wrapping his arms around her waist. She leaned into him, resting her head against his shoulder. "We gonna hang this on the fridge?" Norman asked, pointing to the drawing. 

"Yes." She said, and he couldn't help but notice that her voice was a little higher than normal. It was getting this sort of childish air to it. He smiled as she hopped up, taking her drawing with her and pinning it to the fridge with pink flower magnets. She stepped back and crossed her arms over each other. 

"You're such a good artist, Baby Girl." Daddy stated, walking up to Reagan and wrapping his arms around her waist again. She smiled and turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face into his neck. 

"Thank you, Daddy." She mumbled. She was slowly starting to like the change and being Little. She liked coloring, taking huge bubble baths, hiding in the stuffie pile, and Norman caring for her. Even after she spilled the milk, he wasn't angry. The only time he seemed even remotely angry was when she cursed. 

"Ok, sweetheart. Daddy's gonna finish making pancakes and then we can start with the rules, ok?" He declared, going back over to the stove. Reagan sat back down and started a new sheet of paper, this time writing "Rules" in big bold letters on the top of the paper. Then she started doodling along the edges again. Daddy placed two pancakes on a plate and set the plate in front of her. He gave her some syrup, too. "There you go, baby girl. Oh my goodness. You're such a great artist!" He exclaimed, sitting beside her and giving her a bear hug. She giggled a little, grabbing a fork and cutting off a bit of pancake and eating it, washing it down with the chocolate milk. "Ok, now we need to start writing rules." Daddy stated, grabbing a blue marker and writing a "1" on the paper. Then he started suggesting some rules, and Reagan would agree to follow all of them. 

1: No swearing.

2: No staying up past bed-time.

3: No drugs/alcohol.

4: No sugar before bed.

5: No talking back or being sassy.

6: Plenty of snuggles and kisses ;) 

Reagan had agreed to all of them. Daddy had also put it on the fridge. Then he took out another sheet of paper and wrote "Punishments". This one looked more unnerving. 

"Ok sweets, time for the punishment list. If you break any of the rules, you'll be given the proper punishment." Daddy explained. 

"What are the punishments?" She asked, hoping that it didn't have to do with pain. 

 "I'll write a few down. You can put a check mark beside the ones you do like, and cross out the ones you don't, ok?" He said. "I don't want to push you too far. I care about how you feel."

"Ok." She mumbled reluctantly. Norman noticed her nervousness and reluctance. He knew that her past was shaken, but didn't know how it was bad. Maybe abusive parents? And abusive Daddy? Boyfriend? Maybe she was jumped by a gang and they did awful things to her. He scooted closer to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek and wrapping his arm around her waist. He tried reassuring his princess, making her feel like he would never hurt her. 

1: Writing lines.

2: Time out.

3: No attention.

4: Orgasm Denial.

5: No TV.

6: No colors.

7: No toys. 

8: No story-time.

9: Spankings. 

Reagan was ok with most of these, too (even number 4, though the topic made her uncomfortable.). But she paused on the last one. Spankings. She was hesitant. Reagan wanted to believe that she was strong enough to handle a spanking. After all, Will had been three years ago. Surely she'd moved on, right?

She nodded, handing Norman the paper back with all of them checked. She'd agreed to them all.

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