All Explained

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Reagan was quiet as she and Norman rode down the elevator. Norman was on his phone texting someone while Reagan couldn't stop thinking about all that Kristen had said. They were going to get married? He still loved her?

When they got down to the parking garage underneath, Norman put his phone away and took her hand in his, leading her to his truck. When they got in, he turned to her with a smile, but the smile fell instantly when he saw the dull look in her eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, grabbing her hand softly.

Reagan shook her head. "Nothing." She whispered softly.

"Don't lie to me, sweetheart. Now tell me what's wrong." He pressed.

Reagan pulled her hand out of his and shook her head. "Nothing. Really." She mumbled.

Norman didn't respond. Instead he got out of the truck and made his way around to her side. She curled her knees into her chest and hid her face. When Norman opened her door, he saw her curled up. He pulled her into his lap and crawled in, holding her close as she refused to speak. But her silence wasn't going to fly this time.

"Reagan, I'm giving you to the count of five to tell me what's wrong, or else I'm taking away that computer." He warned. "One..."

Reagan shook her head. She didn't want to tell Norman. She didn't want to make it sound like she was accusing him of cheating.


Reagan felt herself tearing up. She wanted to tell him, but what if he took it the wrong way?


Which was worse? Getting her computer taken away or Norman thinking that she was accusing him of cheating?


No. Daddy wouldn't think that. She had to talk to him. That's what DDLG was about; trust.


"Kristen." Reagan whispered.

Norman paused. "Kristen?" Reagan nodded quietly, keeping her face buried in her knees. "What'd Kristen do to you, hon?"

"She said mean things." She mumbled.


Reagan sniffed back the tears. She wasn't a baby! She was a grown, Little girl! "She told me that you used to date, and that she wanted to be your little girl, a-and that I was too old for you, a-and...and..." but unfortunately, the tears won. She cried as she thought of everything that had just spilled out of her mouth. What if Daddy realized all of these things and broke up with her?

Norman was quiet, and then he grabbed her face and forced her to look up at him. Her grey eyes were spilling with tears and her lips were quivering. "She told you this?" He asked gently. Reagan nodded and Norman sighed. Then he pulled her closer and held her tightly, letting her tears soak into his suit. "Baby, she's lying. You know that."

Reagan sniffled. "I'd hoped." She mumbled.

"Sweetheart, look at me," he ordered gently. Reagan raised her head to face him. "Tell me everything that she told you, and I'll tell you what really happened, ok baby doll?"

Reagan nodded again, sniffing and wiping her nose on her blouse. Daddy quickly reached into the glove box and handed her a small baggie of Kleenex. "Ok, now start."

"Sh-she said that I was too old," Reagan mumbled out. She decided to knock the easiest out of the way first.

"How old are you, sweetheart?" He asked.

Reagan looked down, ashamed. Then she whispered "37."

Norman chuckled and gave her temple a kiss. "Baby, I'm 47. If anything I'm too old for you." He murmured softly. "I mean, have you seen how many grey hairs I have?"

Reagan smiled a little and rubbed his chin a bit. "I like them." She mumbled. "They make you look sophisticated."

"Woah, easy there with the big words. I think you may be too smart for me as well." Daddy joked, making Reagan giggle.

"Nuh uh!" She laughed, giving his cheek a kiss.

Daddy smiled and gave her another kiss. "There. One lie down. What's the next one?"

Reagan's smile fell. Then more tears started welling in her eyes. "She said that you used to date."

Daddy nodded thoughtfully. "Well, yes we did." He admitted, and Reagan felt the tears falling. "But that was 3 years ago."

Reagan glanced up at him, her eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

"We dated three years ago, and for only a couple months." He said, giving her a kiss. "I don't feel anything towards her anymore. She's a good employee, but that's it. That's the only reason I kept her in the office."

"Oh." Reagan mumbled.

"Yeah. We dated for two and a half months three years ago. And you and I have been dating for four months. You already surpass her." Daddy stated, giving her cheek a kiss.

"So you weren't gonna marry her?" Reagan asked.

Norman scoffed. "Hell no. Did she tell you we were?" Reagan nodded softly and Daddy gave her a kiss. "Besides, I'd much rather marry you." He murmured, giving her another kiss. "Were there anymore?"

Reagan hesitated. Should she mention that Kristen wanted to be Daddy's Little? She wasn't scared much, but what if one day Reagan refused something and Daddy went to Kristen? Kristen wanted to be Daddy's Little, and she was beautiful. Reagan wasn't.

"Reagan?" Daddy murmured. "What else did she say?"

Well, here went everything. "She wants to be your Little."

"Look at me," he ordered, sounding more stern. Reagan faced him, fearing what he'd say. "Remember when I told you about my last Little?"

"Yes." She mumbled out.

"Kristen was my last Little." He stated. Reagan's eyes widened. "Yep. And she was so bratty and spoiled. I did not like her. And she cheated on me with Sean, and that nearly ended Sean and Stephanie's relationship."

Reagan gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "That's mean!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, she was a mean girl. Like I said earlier; you're the best Little I've ever had. The best girlfriend that I've ever had. I wouldn't give you up for anything." Daddy stated, giving Reagan a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, princess. Not her, and I never will love her."

"Never ever?" Reagan whispered.

"Never have, never will." He declared. "She's a good employee, and that's the only reason she's still here."

Reagan smiled and felt better. Daddy was hers and only hers, and no one could take him away!

"Now let's go get those chicken nuggets and grapes."

"Yay! Chicken nuggets and grapes!" She squealed, clapping happily.

"And apple juice!" Daddy exclaimed, climbing out of the passenger seat and buckling her in.

"And a cookie!" She declared. When Daddy glanced up at her, she quickly hid her mouth behind her hands a giggled. Cookies weren't for lunch.

"For you, two cookies. Now let's go!" Daddy stated, making Reagan squeak and bounce in her seat. It was cookie time!!! 🍪🍪🍪

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