Need to be Held and Comforted

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Monday finally came around. Reagan and Norman were getting ready in silence. The entire situation was nerve racking, and Reagan had fallen out of Little Space. She wasn't sure if that was allowed, but Norman never said anything.

Reagan was busy fixing her hair in the mirror, putting it into a high bun. Norman was beside her, slicking his hair back with some gel. She glanced at him, hoping for maybe some comfort. He caught her eye and walked around behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"It'll be fine, sweetheart." He murmured. "We'll make it through this. Molly didn't do anything wrong, so they can't convict her for doing nothing." Norman tried sounding confident, but he was nervous. Molly and him went way back, and the idea that she could go to prison scared him.

"Daddy, don't lie. I know the chances of her going to prison." Reagan said, letting out a sigh. She was scared, that was sure. She felt her stomach getting tied in knots and she felt like throwing up.

"Baby, you just have to hope. The chances of Molly going to prison aren't that high." He was trying to make Reagan feel better about the situation. He didn't like that his little princess was so stressed. That was his job. He was the one who was supposed to be stressed, not her. But she was different from a lot of his previous Littles. Most of them barely knew Molly, therefore didn't care much about her. They would probably have sat in the lobby area and played with the little kid toys while Norman was witnessing the trial. He knew already that Reagan would be present for the trial. Molly was one of her best friends. He looked at her through the mirror, noticing how calm she looked. She didn't look Little at all anymore. 

"Sweetheart, after the trial is finished do you want to get some ice cream?" He asked. He wanted his Little Reagan back. He didn't like seeing her so grown up.

"If we win." She mumbled, applying some makeup to her lips.

Norman sighed and looked at himself in the mirror. He loved Reagan, and he didn't want her to be scared by the trial. Molly could end up in prison, which was scary. Reagan didn't need that kind of stress in her life. "Baby, she may only get a few years if she's convicted. And she won't be-"

"Daddy stop. I know you're trying to make me feel better, but it's not working. I know the chances of Molly going to jail, and I know the maximum sentence." She cut him off, glancing at him. 

"I'm just trying to make you feel better." Norman murmured. Reagan nodded and opened her arms a little. Norman pulled her into his chest and brushed her hair back, giving her forehead a kiss. Once safely in his arms, Reagan felt herself about to break down. She let a few tears slip from her eyes. Norman felt the tears and held her tighter, giving her multiple kisses. "Shh, it's ok. Shh, I got you." He murmured, rocking them back and forth. 

"Daddy? Do you really think Molly will get off?" Reagan asked, looking up at him with big, tear-filled eyes.

Norman didn't say anything at first. He was scared for her, yes, and there was a chance that she could serve some time in jail. And Reagan knew that. He didn't want her to be scared, though. And besides; Molly didn't do anything wrong. They couldn't convict her for her sexual kinks. BDSM was purely consent and trust, and Damian consented to everything. It'd be like charging him and Reagan for incest or pedophilia just because he was called "Daddy". It was ridiculous. 

"I think she'll be fine. BDSM is just one giant kink. They can't arrest her if Damian likes being in pain." He said, rubbing her shoulders. 

"You really think so?" Reagan asked.

"Yes. Now let's get ready. We have a long day ahead of us.

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