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The next day, after Reagan came home from working at Pamida, she found another bouquet of flowers on her doorstep. She smiled once again. So far, Norman was a great guy. She picked up the scarlet colored roses and took out the note. 

Sweetheart, (she blushed heavily)

I've been thinking about you a lot recently. You're on my mind 24/7, and I can't get you out. No matter how hard I try. Your smile, your hair, your body, your laugh, your blush; everything about you is amazing in my eyes. And with this little card, I wish to ask you out for dinner. This time, in common courtesy, I will pay for it since you are my date. It would be my greatest pleasure if you could come to eat with me. It will be a nice dinner at seven o'clock. I will be here at 6:30 tongiht. If you don't want to come, please let me know ahead of time so I can cancel reservations. I would just like you to consider it, though. 

Norman Reedus.

Reagan's cheeks were bright red from the card. She took the flowers into her apartment again, putting them in a beautiful light pink vase full of water. She had to admit that dinner sounded nice. Nice and classical. She would go. She went over to her phone and typed Norman's number in for the first time. 

Reagan: Hi, this is Regan. Dinner sounds lovely.

And then she set the phone down and headed into her room, looking through her closet for a dress of some sort. It was 5 o'clock now, and Norman would be here in an hour and a half. She didn't have much time to get cleaned up and dressed. She started with a shower, then worked her way to curling her hair. Then she went into her closet and browsed through it, picking out a nice black cocktail dress. It was the only one she could find that didn't scream, "Slut!". The other dress was a red lace one that promoted her breasts and rear. After dressing she did her make up. It was 6:17 by that point. 

Norman walked up the stairs to Reagan's apartment, dressed in a nice black tuxedo with a grey vest underneath. He was pleasantly surprised when he received the text from Reagan. He was carrying another bouquet of flowers for her, though this time they were pink roses. He stood in front of the door, and was about to knock, when he heard her voice on the other side of the door. 

"Should we get married tonight, once we've drank all the wine?

Would you marry me and always be mine?

It's such a nice night in Brooklyn, and we shouldn't be alone

Let's get married, baby, married and go home."

She was singing Emily Kinney's Married. A song Norman enjoyed, too. He remembered listening to Emily work on it in the break room at the office when she worked for the company. Instead of interrupting Reagan's beautiful song, he simply stood there and listened to her sing. 

"And the moon could be our witness

And North Fifth Street the aisle

And when we kiss the stars will cheer and cry and smile

All our friends will feel left out

And our parents had no warning

But we'll call them with the good news, in the morning."

Norman sighed, and had to admit that Reagan was talented. Though he wouldn't say anything when he picked her up. He didn't want her knowing that he heard her sing. He listened to her finish the song before finally knocking on the door. As much as he wanted to continue to hear her sing, they would be late for their dinner if he continued to stall. 

Reagan opened the door, knowing that it was Norman. As soon as his eyes raked over her body, she felt hot blush creeping back up to her cheeks once again. She couldn't remember blushing this much in all of her love life. 

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