"Okay, now everyone to the grand hall. It is time for your orientation!"

All of the students made their way to the grand hall without flying or bumping into each other. Although it is their last day in school, they know how to follow the rules.

The grand hall was filled with fresh graduates immediately. Taeyeon took her time to look around her. She spotted the seniors sitting at the side of the grand hall, looking down at their juniors proudly. Taeyeon recognized their jobs by their uniform.

On the front row, the angels who are in charge of fate and destiny were sitting together. But of course, their more common name is Cupid. They are the angels who work secretly behind a successful relationship. They can choose to break a couple up too, but of course they don't do that as it is their job to bring happiness.

On the second row, those are the angels who protect Cloud Kingdom from evil. They are the ones working by the King and some working by the Queen. They are practically soldiers who defend the kingdom.

On the third row, those are the angels who guide the dead who deserved to go to heaven. After the grim reaper led them to the front gate, the angel who escort them to heaven. It is practically the most easiest job of all. Taeyeon's father probably wanted her to choose that job.

On the fourth row, those are the angels that assist the gods. Especially when it comes to religions, after hearing a human's prayers, the gods will choose whether to help the human by sending an angel down there to help the human.

On the fifth row, those are the angels who do anything on Heaven. They will become someone who work for the High Order. It is practically the "Political" side of the Cloud Kingdom. Some foreign angels sat together with the body officials to witness the Crowning ceremony of the fresh graduates.

And on the last row, there sat the angels who go down to Earth to help humans to choose the right path. It is the most dangerous job of all. Once you choose that path, there is no going back. Taeyeon's eyes gleamed as she stared at the angels in the last row with admiration. Her dream is to become one of them, the Guardian Angels.

Taeyeon had always wanted to become a guardian angel ever since she was young. She had studied everything there is to know about being a guardian angel. But the thing is, it is not her choice to choose what path she takes. Angel or not, she has to go through the orientation where a job will be given to her.

"Students."the Principal's voice echoed through the grand hall. "Today, we have all gathered here to welcome you all into the real world. In this very holy hall, you all will be assigned the job you all are destined for...by the Royal Staff!" he said, gesturing to the shining solid gold staff in the glass case beside him. Everyone sounded amaze at the sight of the staff, it is only revealed to the public once a year, on the students' graduation day.

"Now, we will be calling your names. And after being crowned the Halo, the staff will show you the path you are destined to follow. And your lifetime jobs will be stuck to you forever."after the Principal said that, everyone in the hall felt pressured, mostly stress by the staff, some had their dream jobs in mind and hoped that the staff will point to the path they wanted.

An angel started to call out names one by one. Taeyeon knew that she is getting closer and closer to the crowning stage.

"Kim Taeyeon, Korea."the angel announced. Taeyeon looked up when she heard her name. She walked up to the stage to retrieve her halo. It is a circle of light that will be floating on the crown of her head and follow her forever as long as she is an angel. This crowning ceremony is to prove that they are officially grown angels and are ready to serve the Heaven.

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