After Breaking Dawn... Chapter 24

Start from the beginning

I suddenly felt like the ocean was the only sound in the world; that calm was the only feeling I was able to feel. Jasper. I groaned and followed the procession up the stairs to the fourth floor. Esme touched my arm; "I think you best stay with Ciaran, Jacob and Renesmee." I nodded gratefully; I didn't have a desire to go talk about this what-not.

I turned backwards and began walking back down the stairs whilst mumbling to myself, "That was a good welcome home.." I then ran into a stone-cold, hard body. I braced myself for death; she was back again. "Welcome home." The tall girl with the dirty blond hair that I'd seen downstairs said. I took a step back; she was absolutely flawless. No doubt she was a vampire; but her eyes were a vivid, bright green. "Thanks..." I said whilst rubbing my forehead where we collided. "Sorry, would you like some ice. Or my hand." she offered the last part a tad bit sarcastically; I laughed. "No, I'm just fine." I said with a smile, a forced smile. "Well, I'm Blair. You must be Rachel, my dear Edward's adopted daughter." I watched, stunned. "Hello Blair." A voice from behind said, a voice I vaguely remembered. Blair sighed and turned to meet the eyes I knew were a bloody, vivid crimson. "Leave this family alone, Jane." Blair said in a rather firm voice, Jane smiled. "Pain." she said in a small voice; I watched her eyes. Nothing happened. "What are you doing?" Blair wondered, Jane blinked twice and looked as though she'd just seen a ghost. "You can't win, Jane, tell us what you want." Edward said when suddenly appearing out of thing air. I sighed; Vampires..

Jane stood in front of Blair, Edward, Alice, Emmett, Jasper, Bella, Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme and myself, looking helpless as ever. "You won't kill me." she stated flatly, a smile on her face. Edward took a step forward, "The hell I will." he said fiercely; that didn't sound like him. Emmett took a step forward, matching distance with Edward, an expression on his face that only belonged to a fighter. "Aro will avenge my death." she said with a smile; "You're a toy for Aro, nothing but a toy. The whole guard is." Jasper said solemnly, his arms crossing over his chest.

I was desperately hoping that Nessie and Jake were handling Ciaran, not letting him hear any of this nor see it.

Jane's eyes pierced me with every dagger-like glance she shot at me; she believed she was inferior. "That's not true." she answered in a voice that sounded like she was trying to convince herself; "Besides, I'm not here to cause harm to your family, Edward." she said whilst starring at me. I had a twinge of something inside me; she was underestimating the power of a family. "What do you want then, Jane." Bella asked whilst focusing her eyes on Jane. I felt as though I shouldn't be here, shouldn't be with a family of vampires/half vampires/half werewolf/half whatever. "Blair." Jane answered simply; she underestimated the power of family, once more. "Blair is family." Edward said with a half-smile on his face. I knew as little as Jane did, so I starred at him whilst wondering what he meant.

Jane shifted her weight to her other foot, "You don't have any idea whom she is. You're now proclaiming she is part of your coven?" Edward laughed a humourless laugh, "I know more about her then you do, and I'm proclaiming she is part of my family." He said whilst emphasizing the word family. I watched her eyes go wide, then go back to their normal size. "Let me live and I won't bother you, or your family ever again." she said in a small voice. Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie all laughed. "As if.." I thought that's what Rose said.

I did not know the outcome of this, and I did not know if I wanted to know it, either. I'm sure, though, that Alice and Edward had insight on this. Edward and Alice both laughed quietly; I looked at Alice. How did she know what was funny? She tapped her finger to her temple. I stifled a gasp; could she read minds? Alice nodded. "I promise." Jane said, interrupting my not-needed discovery of Alice's newest gift. "Jane, no one can trust you." Edward said, taking a step closer. Emmett matched his pace, and they both grabbed Jane. She shrieked a painfully loud, ear-piercing scream. "I'm not going to kill you, now. But if I see or hear of you ever again, you're life will be a figment of our imagination." Edward whispered cynically as he and Emmett walked Jane down the stairs.

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