67. You're On Drugs - Ashton

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"Why'd ya need to know?" You shook your head, taking a sip.

"Just curious," he leaned over the counter to study your face.

"Hmmm curiosity killed the cat," you hummed, drinking more.

He didn't miss a beat, "bus satisfaction brought it back."

You threw your head back in laughter, you were pretty drunk but you thought he was funny. Maybe internally referring to him as 'creepy stalker guy' was a little premature.

Your easy conversation continued as you sipped on your drink.

Then things got hazy. You remember your heart starting to pound and the room spinning.

"I. I don't," you gripped the counter to stay on your feet.

Hot guy walked quickly around and wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you upright.

"That's it," he whispered in your ear, leading you out and toward the giant staircase.

Nope, he was a creepy stalker who definitely had drugged you. You began to claw at his arm and try to scream.

"Shhhh," he put a hand over your mouth, continuing to pull you toward the staircase.

Upstairs was where the bedrooms were. Oh no. No no no no no.

You began to desperately try and free yourself, but you were fading fast. Whatever he gave you kicked into full effect and you could barely retain consciousness. The last thing you remember before passing out completely was Y/BFF/N screaming your name.


Bright lights. Lights that were far too bright for your liking.

You groaned and tried to move your arm up to shield your eyes. Along with your arm came a tube. Why was there a tube attached to your arm?

You cracked your eye open. You were in a stark white room. You groaned slightly at the light, and you became aware of just how much everything hurt. Looking down at yourself you saw a hospital gown, and a bed in a room that wasn't yours. Wait. White room, arm tube, paper gown, you were in the hospital? What happened to you last night?

You tried to think back, but the last thing you remembered was leaving Y/BFF/N for your second drink. Or was it your third? Everything felt hazy.

You looked around more, studying your little room. Your arm tube was attached to a bag of water. You had a very rhythmic heart monitor. Ashton was slumped in a chair asleep, Calum was next to him, Michael was... on the floor? You had no idea where Luke was.

That is until he came into the room with several bags of McDonalds, "I brought food guys!" He said proudly. There wasn't any reaction.

Grumbling, he walked over and poked at Michael with his shoe.

"Get up you big lug, I got you a McMuffin!" Michael squinted as he sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking right at you.

He shrieked making you shriek making Luke shriek and drop the food.*

"Y/N! You're up?" He asked, gripping his chest with surprise.

"Yeah," you said rather hoarsely.

"NURSE!" He yelled.

As a dude in scrubs came in, Luke started waking Ashton up.

"Ashton," he poked him. "Ashton," he poked him again. "Ashton, get up," he shook your brother's shoulder a little. "Ashton Y/N is awake!" He groaned, using both arms to shake Ashton's shoulders. Your brother snapped awake at that, scaring poor Luke to death, making him shriek yet again.

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