Hazrat Ali al-Akbar (a.s)

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Ali b. al-Husayn b. Ali b. Abi Talib (Arabic:علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب ), (b. 33/654 - d. 61/680) known as Ali al-Akbar (علي الأکبر) was son of Imam al-Husayn (as).

It is reported that he (as) was very much like Prophet Muhammad (saw) in appearance and personality.

Ali al-Akbar (as) showed great bravery and sacrifice in the Battle of Karbala and was martyred in fighting with the army of Yazid.

According to narrations, he (as) was the first martyr from Banu Hashim on the Day of Ashura. His grave is beside his father in Karbala.

Ali al-Akbar (as) was born in Medina on Sha'ban 11, 33/March 7, 654.

His father was Imam al-Husayn (as), and his mother was Layla bt. Abi Murra.

In historical reports, his title is mentioned as al-Akbar and his Kunya is Abu l-Hasan.

He was martyred in the Battle of Karbala on Muharram 10, 61/October 10, 680 together with his father, many men of Banu Hashim, and the companions of Imam al-Husayn (as).

He (a) was buried beside Imam al-Husayn (as) in Karbala. Genealogists and historians have reported his name with the title of Akbar as the eldest son of Imam al-Husayn (as).

Wife and Children

Regarding the texts of Ziyarah of Ali al-Akbar (as), it seems that he (as) had wife and children, since his Ziyarah reads, "Peace be upon you and upon your family and your household and your forefathers and your children."

Also, Imam al-Sadiq's (as) advice to Abu Hamza al-Thumali was, "when you arrived at his grave, put your face on the grave and say, 'Peace be upon you,
O Aba l-Hasan!" which suggests that he (as) had a son named Hassan.

Although some genealogists and scholars have clarified that he had no children and the progeny of Imam al-Husayn (as) only continued through Imam al-Sajjad (as).

Imam al-Husayn (as) named him 'Ali to stand against those who wanted to eliminate the name and manner of Imam Ali (as).

Imam al-Husayn (as) did not just name his son Ali, but he (as) named all his sons Ali.


His face was majestic and shined like the moon.

He (as) was adorned with beauty and cleanliness.

He was middle height with white skin tending to pink.

He (as) had black big eyes with long eyelashes.

He (as) had a normal body, not fat and not thin with broad shoulders.

He (as) walked fast as if he (as) was coming downhill. When he (a) turned to someone, he (as) turned all his body towards him.

He (as) looked mostly down, rather looking up.

He (as) smelled a fragrance of musk.

Imam al-Husayn (as) introduced him the most similar to the Prophet (saw) in creation, manner, and attributes among people.

The full mirror of the appearance and personality of the Prophet (saw).

Attributes, Virtues, and Merits

Since he (as) narrated many hadiths from his grandfather Imam Ali (as), he (as) was known as a Muhaddith.

Steadfastness on the Path of Truth

At the station of Banu Maqatil, Imam al-Husayn (as) took a short sleep and after waking up repeatedly said, "'Indeed we belong to Allah, and to Him do we indeed return (Qur'an 2:156). And All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds."

'Ali al-Akbar (as) asked about the reason, and

Imam (as) answered, "O My son! I fell asleep and suddenly heard a horseman saying,

'This caravan moves on, and death follows them.'

So, I learned that our death would come."

'Ali al-Akbar (as) said, "Dear father! May Allah never wills bad for you. Are we not having the rights?"

Imam (as) said, "Yes, by the One all Servants return to!"

Ali al-Akbar (as) said, "O father! While we have the rights, we do not fear death."

Imam (as) prayed for 'Ali al-Akbar (as) and said, "May Allah gives you best of rewards a child may receive from his father."

On the Day of Ashura

On the Day of Ashura' when Ali al-Akbar entered the battlefield, a man shouted, "O Ali! You are a relative of Amir al-Mu'minin (Yazid) and we want to value them, and if you want, we can give you safe conduct."

Ali al-Akbar (as) answered, "the relationship with the Prophet (saw) is more important to be valued."

Note: 'Laila daughter of Abu Murra and the cousin of Yazid' is the mother of Ali Akbar. According to scholars she was not alive at the time of Karbala.

After Ali al-Akbar (as) rejected the safe conduct of 'Umar b. Sa'd, He (as) began his recurrent attacks on them with this motto, "I am Ali son of Husayn (as), the son of Ali (as).

By the house of God (Ka'ba) I swear we are the closest to the Prophet (saw); By God, this son of adultery cannot rule over us.

I will kill you by the sword and support my father, a blow of sword by a young Hashemite from

First Martyr of Banu Hashim

Ali al-Akbar (as) was the first martyr of Banu Hashim on the Day of Ashura,' and it is mentioned in the text of Ziyara al-Shuhada,

"Peace be upon you, O first one murdered from among the generation of good descendants."


The website above has information about Hazrat Ali Akbar (as) that is beautifully written and explained.

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