Some Beneficial Prayers (Salat)

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Imam Ali (as) said, "Recommended prayers cannot attain the pleasures of Allah for you when obligatory prayers are left unattended."

Let's keep the saying above in mind before any recommended/beneficial prayers.

Bridge of Siraat

Prophet (saw) said, 'whoever on Friday night between Maghrib and Isha prayers perform, 12 raka'at (6 raka'at, 6 raka'at.

You do it this way: 2 raka'at 2 raka'at not 12 raka'at as whole).

In every raka'at after Surah al Fatiha read Surah Al Ikhlas for 40 times.

I will meet them on the bridge of Siraat.'

When it's a difficult time for all humans since they get questioned regarding their deeds etc.

Protection of Wealth, Faith, In this world & Hereafther

Prophet (saw) said, 'whoever, On Friday night between Maghrib & Isha prayers perform 20 raka'at and in every raka'at after Surah al Fatiha read Surah Al Ikhlas for 11 times.

Allah will protect their wealth, faith, in this world and Hereafther.'

Another Beneficial prayer between Maghrib & Isha prayers

Prophet (saw) said, 'whoever performs 2 raka'at between Maghrib & Isha prayers.

For the first raka'at after Surah al Fatiha recite Surah Az-Zalzalah for 13 times and for the second raka'at after Surah al Fatiha read Surah Al Ikhlas for 15 times every night.

No one except Allah (swt) can count its rewards and they'll be in Paradise with me.

If you read it every Fridays, you'll be counted as a sincere Servant of Allah.

Special Salat before Friday noon

Prophet (saw) said, 'whoever performs 4 raka'at on Friday before noon.

In every raka'at after Surah Al Fatiha read Ayat alkursi & Surah Al Ikhlas for 15 times. When they finish, for 70 times say:

(استغفر اللّه ربى و اتوب اليه )

Astaghafirullahi Rabbi Wa Atubu Ilayhi

'Verily, I seek the forgiveness of Allah, who is my Lord and Sustainer, and I turn to Him in repentance.'

After that for 50 times say:

(لا حول و لا قوه الا باللّه )

La Hawla wala Quwata illa billah

'There is no power and no strength except with Allah.'

Then for 50 times say:

(لا اله الا اللّه وحده لا شريك له)

Laa ilaha 'illa Allaahu wahdahu la shareeka lahu,

Lastly for 50 times say:

(صلى اللّه على النبى الامى و آله )

Whoever does this prayer, Allah will save them from Hell fire, accept their prayer, make their wishes come true. Forgive their sins as well as both of their parents.

Allah (swt) will write the reward of Hajj for them & create a city in Paradise for them. And grant them the rewards of those who prayed alongside Prophets (as) in mosques.

Special Salat for two wings

Prophet (saw) said,'whoever on Friday performs 4 raka'at. In every raka'at after Surah al Fatiha read Surah Al Ikhlas for 51 times and then read Ayat alkursi for for 50 times. Allah (swt) will grant them two wings in Hereafter so they can fly over Bridge of Siraat, in Paradise and wherever they want.'

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