Sins and wrong Actions!

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Imam Ali (as)'s sayings:

● "O son of Adam, when you see that your Lord, the Glorified, bestows His Favors on you while you disobey Him, you should fear Him (take warning that His Wrath may turn those blessings into misfortunes)."

● "Take warning! Allah has not exposed so many of your sinful activities, that it appears as if He has forgiven you (it may be that He has given you time to repent)."

● "One has to account in the next world for the deeds that he has done in this world."

● "One who assents or subscribes to the actions of a group, or a party is as good as having committed the deed himself.

A man who joins a sinful deed makes himself responsible for two-fold punishments, one for doing the deed and the other for assenting and subscribing to it."

The Definition of a Major Sins (Greater sins).

1) Sins are of two types- The greater and the Lesser. The major sins have been specifically termed as Greater (major sins) in the Holy Quran and the traditions.

2) All those sins are major about which the Quran and Hadith explicitly state that those who commit these sins will enter Hell. For example, the tradition of the Holy Prophet (saw):

"Certainly, the Almighty Allah and His messenger disown such a person who willfully neglects prayers."

In this tradition the punishment of Hell is not named specifically but it amounts to the same thing. Another report corroborates this assertion.

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said, "All those sins are Greater (the doer of which) is promised the fire (Hell)."

3) Any sin, which is clearly Greater than a sin specified as a Greater one in the Quran and hadith; is also Greater.

For example, the killing of a person is a sin, and it is clear from the Qur'an and hadith.
Thus, the tradition from Ibne Mahboob clearly states that the killing of a 'soul' is a Greater sin.

The Quran has promised Divine punishment for murder. Then if any other sin is proved to be more than the killing of a person, by the verses of Quran or authentic reports then this sin will also be considered as a Greater sin.

For example, the Holy Quran says that to spread corruption in the world is worse than murder:

"And the (spreading of) mischief is Greater than murder."

Hence, we can conclude that the spreading of disturbance must also be counted among the Greater Sins.

4) Any sin which has all along been regarded as a Greater one by the scholars and the jurists should also be considered as 'Greater'.

But it should be ascertained that such a sin has been regarded as Greater from the present time right up to the time of the Masoomeen (as).

How do we perform the Repentance Prayer?

First take a shower, then perform 2 rakat, in each rakat, after Surah Al Fatiha read Surah Al Ikhlas for 3 times, Surah Al Falaq and Surah An Nas for once. After your prayer is finished.

أستغفر الله ربي وأتوب إليه
  for 70 times.

Then say:
« لا حَولَ وَ لا قُوَّهَ إلّا بِالله العَلِیِّ العَظیمِ»

After that say:
« یا عَزیزُ یا غَفّارُ إغفِر لِی ذُنُوبِی وَ ذُنُـوبَ جَمیعِ المؤمِنینَ وَ المُؤمِناتِ فَإنَّهُ لا یَغفِرُ الذُّنوبَ إلّا أنتَ»

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