Habituate your Tongue on Saying the Good

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Any investigation of the social crises proves that the origin of most of such troubles is the initiatives of wording and the mutual obscenities that interrupt the social relations and arise hatred.

On that account, it becomes very necessary, for the interest of individuals and societies, to control one's wording and habituate on good wording:

"(Muhammad), tell My servants to say what is best. The Shaytan sows' dissension among them; he is the sworn enemy of human beings (17:53)."

"... They should speak righteous words to people... (2:83)"

"Virtue and evil are not equal. If you replace evil habits by virtuous ones, you will certainly find that your enemies will become your intimate friends (41:34)."

"Believers, be afraid of Allah and speak righteous words. Allah will reform your deeds and forgive your sins. (33:71-2)"

The Prophet (saw) said: "Allah may have mercy upon the servant who utters righteous wording to gain its good result or keeps peace against an evil to save himself."

Imam Sajjad (as) said: "Good wording increases the wealth & sustenance, postpones time of death, endears to the family members or the spouse, and takes to Paradise."

"Habituate your tongue on saying the good only, and you will gain its good. Surely, a tongue will follow that on which it is habituated."

A man asked Abu al-Hassan (as) for advice, the Imam said: "Have control over your tongue and you will be powerful. Do not let others lead you, lest you will be humiliated."

Chaste wording has its great influence in the mentalities of both the friends and enemies.

For the friends, it increases love, perpetuates affection, and prevents devilish inspirations.

For the enemies, chaste wording alleviates feelings of enmity and eases their mistreatments and trickeries. Thus, we find the great personalities practice control over their tongues so as to be protected from flaws.

Gossip, nonsense, and obscenity are the clearest evidence on stupidity.

As he passed by a man who was speaking nonsense, Amir ul-Mu'minin (as) stopped and said to him: "You are dictating to the Keeping Angels a record that will be taken to your Lord. You therefore should say only that which concerns you and should leave that which does not concern you."

"Much speech leads to much erring. Much erring leads to decreased prudency. Little prudency leads to decreased piety. Little piety deadens the heart. The dead-hearted will be in Hell."

Imam Baqir (as) said: "Abu Tharr used to say: Seeker of knowledge! Your tongue is the key to goodness and the key to evil. Hence, seal your tongue in the same way as you seal your gold and currencies."

Imam Sadiq (as) said: "Silence is an abundant treasure. It is the adornment of the clement and the cover of the ignorant."

Qiss ibn Saida asked Aktham ibn Saifi, "How many flaws have you found in man?"

He answered, "They are too numerous to be counted.

But I found one trait that may cover all the flaws of man if only he keeps to it. It is control over the tongue."


In Judgement Day, out of all the body parts, the tongue will receive the most punishment! It will complain about its severe punishment to Allah and ask the reason behind it.

It will be told, 'You spoke, and it reached the West and East part of earth! And because of that so many respectful people got killed and so many properties were stolen, and a Muslim got humiliated.

I swear by my honor and glory that I will punish you in a way that I haven't punished any other parts of the body.'

Be careful with what you say...

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