Chapter 55

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   The next morning Momma Becky, Ash and JJ make their way to Atlanta to meet Lori for JJ wedding dress. JJ is getting nervous and she is quiet when Ash said," So do you talk him into the pink rose?"
JJ grins thinking back to last night and she said," yeah he agreed to it with no problem"
That made them all laugh.
Momma asked her what kind of dress she wanted and JJ looked panicked and said," I don't really know cause I was so afraid this day would never happen so I hadn't let myself dream about it in a really long time and to be honest it doesn't matter what dress I have on as long as I get his last name."
Ash said," okay girl I know you love him but our mission today is to find a dress that will make him go to his knees and cry like a baby. Cause it's time that Mr. Badass is brought down."
Momma Becky said," I agree and so does Lori so I can hardly wait to see what dresses she has pulled for you to try on."
JJ laughed at both of them and tells them"Glad to know that y'all are on my side."

They park and walk in and Lori is waiting for them and hugs Becky and asked which one was JJ. JJ spoke up and said," that would be me and this is Ash my bridesmaid."
Lori asked," What do you want in a dress? What do you imagine walking down the aisle to Brantley in?"
JJ took a deep breath and said," As a little girl I always dreamed of the Cinderella dress but I'm not really sure that is what I want. We are doing simple wedding because it's quick and it's us. I have Ash and Ko and BG has Eli. Ko is standing up for both of us and I plan on asking him to give me away cause I don't have any family and he has been the one that has helped me and stood by me the last 5 years. So I guess I am thinking something simple and elegant but sexy at the same time cause as Ash said on the way here that I need something that will bring him to his needs and make him cry like a baby."
Lori smiled and said," y'all go ahead and look and pull any dresses you want to while I go get the ones I am thinking about. And before I leave what is your budget? "
JJ smiled and said," I was told to and I quote,Get whatever the hell you want baby cause we are only doing this one time and I don't want you to even look at a price tag. So he sent his black AMEX card with me that said it had no limit. Saying that I don't want to spend a ton of money I just want a kick ass dress!"
Lori said ," Well ladies let's get the bride situated and then we will look for y'all one after we find hers."
They are all looking around and Momma picks out the ballgown dress to try on and Ash picks out dresses that are barely there and JJ is walking around feeling overwhelmed, so she texts BG.
JJ: I think I changed my mind can we just elope?
BG: 😂What's got my girl all upset not wanting to get married in our home church?
JJ : dress shopping with Momma and Ash they are a mess. One has me covered from head to toe with lace and tons of fabric and the other one has barely anything covered.
BG: Oh that's a hard choice baby cause I understand both sides. Although I like you with nothing covered if I am being honest, 😜
JJ : You need to stop that B, I'm trying to be serious
BG: Darlin it will be okay, Lori will get the perfect dress for you and I don't care what you wear cause you will be gorgeous.
JJ : thanks for making me feel better I love you
BG: Anytime darling cause that's what I'm here for. I love you too!

JJ aren't with Lori and tried on the dresses that Momma had picked out and she hated them and Ash took a picture and sent it to BG and he sent JJ a text,
BG: Tell Momma no that you would pass out if you had to drag that dress around all night. That is not your dress. Although you are beautiful in it but it isn't you.
JJ; how did you know ?
BG: Ash and make sure they know I don't want to see you until you walk down the aisle in your dress.
JJ: Okay baby

JJ looked at Ash and said,"he said no and that he doesn't want to see me in my dress so don't send it to him." Then she looked at Momma and said," I will pass out if I have to drag this dress around all night."
JJ went back and tried on the dresses that Ash had picked out and as she walked out Momma took pictures of JJ and sent them to BG.
JJ looked at Ash and said," No just No not happening Ash, and you know he would stop the wedding if I came down the aisle dressed in this dress."
Ash laughed and said," But it would be worth it the look on his face."
JJ's phone rung and she answered it
JJ: Hello baby
BG: Hell naw JJ you are not wearing that to get married in now you want to her that and bring it home so I can tear it off of you baby then that's fine by me cause if you wore that down the aisle I would pick you up and take you to the house where I would spank ...."BG you are on speaker phone and your momma and Lori can hear you " JJ said.
"Well tell Ash that that ain't gonna happen but you have the card so bring it home today darling and I will finish that statement in private. Now I love you but you need to tell those women that I can only take so much teasing before BG hush your mouth right now.
Lori Momma and Ash are laughing cause JJ is red and embarrassed.
JJ said," I love you baby see you later"

She turned to Lori and said," now it's time to show them our pick"
So off they went to the dressing room to put on the dress that both Lori and JJ knew was the one.
When JJ walked back out both Ash and Momma were in tears and couldn't stop. JJ couldn't stop smiling and when she turned to them Lori said," JJ what are you saying?"
JJ smiled and looked at both the women and they nodded their heads because they were speechless and knew this is the dress that would bring that badass rough man to his knees because she took their breath away. She radiated and her smile was so big it was without a doubt made for her. JJ said," I'm saying yes to this dress Lori!"
They all hugged and Lori told her as they were walking back to change," you are the girl for him, and I am so glad y'all found your way together. You will bring him to his knees in this dress.
They went and picked out Ashley and Momma's dresses and then headed to eat and get their nails done since BG told them to treat themselves to a girls day on him.

Momma's pick

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Momma's pick

Momma's pick

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Ash's pick

Ash's pick

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The dress!

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The dress!

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