Chapter 3

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  JJ sits down in Chase's lap and leans in to kiss him, she touches her lips to his and he groans and says,"JJ as much as I want to continue where we left off I can't. You are past a buzz and I would feel like I had taken advantage of you. So be a good girl and stop."

   " I don't want to be a good girl Chase, that isn't fun. You promised me fun and to forget and so far nothing has worked. How about showing me those moves you were talking about?" JJ tells him.

"JJ, you would hate me later and I would rather have a chance with you later , so I guess I choose for you to hate me tonight. But I promise you will thank me later. Besides Kolby should be about here."

"What the hell did you say?" JJ asks as she gets up.
"I said Kolby should be about here I didn't want you driving and I know you wouldn't drive with as much as you have drank tonight and I have to pull out so I called Kolby to come pick you up. I didn't want my ass handed to me cause I had got you drunk and left you to fend for yourself."

"Of all the lame headed moves you could have done that was at the damn top Chase. Kolby won't be by himself, he will get someone to come with him to drive my truck back. And do you know who that someone will more than likely be , I will tell you it will be Brantley since he rolled in this evening before I left the farm. And just so you know I ain't that drunk but I am about to me cause I'm to damn sober to deal with him and Queen bitch tonight. So please tell me you have a bottle on this bus."

Chase points to the cabinet and watches as JJ takes the bottle of Jim Beam and turns it up taking a long gulp. She does this 3 more times before he can get up and stop her. He pulls her to look at him and he sees something that he had never seen, a broken and hurt JJ. He pulls her to him and rubs her back and tells her that he will always be there for her. Chase realizes that until that hurt is gone that he can never have the one thing he wanted and that was her heart, but he's afraid he will never have that because it looks like BG already owns it. He feels JJ shake and he knows that she is crying and he pulls her face up and kisses the tears and then touches his lips to hers. She leans in and deepens the kiss making him all kinds of turned on. He pulls back and looks her in the eyes and says," JJ if and when we sleep together it will be because I am the guy you want not the one who is standing in and you will be sober so you will know it is me and not BG."
JJ pulls back and looks at Chase and said,"you have it all wrong, BG is nothing to me and I am nothing to him. He made that clear 5 years ago. I came here tonight for a good time Chase not to be lectured and told that I am hung up on BG. "
"JJ we have known each other for a couple of years now and I never saw the hurt and brokenness that I just saw in your eyes, so it's okay if you don't want to admit it to me cause I don't know that you have admitted it to yourself but I can tell whatever it is that happened you can't move on till you put it to rest. I'm not gonna lie, I want you. I want to be in you and hear you scream my name when I make you feel like a woman should, I want to see every damn inch of your beautiful body and I have no doubt that I could tonight but I want you under me or on top of me or up against the damn wall without you thinking about anyone else but me and how I make you feel and I want you to remember every minute of the time I will take making you cum over and over again." As he said this Chase has JJ backed against the wall with his lips next to her ear and just hearing him describe that has her looking at him with shock.
There was a knock at the door and Chase goes to answer and seeing he left the bottle of Jim on the counter, JJ grabs it and is chugging as much as she can cause she knows that Chase will take it away or if that is Kolby he will take it away. She is gulping her 3rd go round and the bottle is yanked out of her hand as she pulls it away from her mouth. "Dammit Chase if I have to deal with him tonight let me at least be drunk."
"Sorry darlin but I ain't Chase."
JJ turns around and comes face to face with those damn green eyes that haunt her thoughts and dreams.
"Give me the damn bottle Brantley and just go away, I can't deal with you" as she reaches for the bottle.
"Chase I thought you said she was drunk." BG said turning to Chase.
"JJ how many did you chug down just now?"
"I was on my way to 4 when he yanked it out of my hands." JJ said.

Chase said,"Well she had 4 shots and then 4 huge gulps before I took it away and then 3 more so I would say she has had probably around 18 shots tonight. So yeah she's drunk BG and I ain't gonna let someone I care about drive not that she would but I couldn't leave her to fend for herself."
"Well looks like I picked a good friend this time, he won't leave me to fend for myself and I still can't get laid. So Kolby take me home at least there I can be alone and not have it thrown in my face that I'm not good enough for anyone." JJ said.
Chase went to JJ and BG growled and told him to back off he had her. BG picked her up and took her to her truck and set her down and held his hand out and said," Keys JJ no arguments just give me the damn keys"

Kolby came up and said,"JJ you need to do this, things have changed and it's time to hash this mess out, 5 years is to damn long. Not tonight while you are drunk but tomorrow.
JJ handed the keys to Brantley and climbed into her truck and she said," I ain't making no promises especially with queen bitch around."
Brantley was walking off and she thought she heard him say , her ass better be gone if she knows what's good for her.

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