Chapter 2

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JJ drives thinking back to a time when seeing Brantley pull up would have had her over the moon happy. She hates to admit it but it made her happy to see him, if only SHE wasn't with him. JJ never thought that anyone could come between her and Brantley but oh how well Amber proved her wrong. She never thought that when she called and needed him that he would have blown her off, that night changed everything and JJ couldn't get past that hurt no matter how much she tried. So she found herself on the road headed to spend time with Chase and maybe forget the brown haired green eyed man that haunts her thoughts and dreams.
JJ pulls in the Pilot station knowing she needed to change and fix her hair and makeup for tonight. She pulls off the cutoffs and slips on her faded and worn ripped skinny jeans that fit her like a glove and she pulls out her dressy red tank top with spaghetti straps and slips on her red high heels. She does her hair and makeup and takes a look in the mirror and takes a selfie and sends it to Kolby.
She gets in her truck when her phone goes off.
K: You look hot sis, he won't know what hit him
JJ: That's the plan Ko I just got in the truck headed there now, talk to you tomorrow

JJ: Be there in 10 min
Chase: Aaron is waiting out front for you he will be in a black HDEU hat and tshirt
JJ: I will be the hot blonde in the kick ass black 4x4 Ford truck
Chase: I have no doubt I have shown him a picture doll see you in 10

JJ pulls out and heads to Steamers. She pulls in and spots Aaron . She grabs her phone and sticks money and a card in her secret part and slips her keys in her pocket locking her truck.
She meets Aaron and he takes her around to Chase and he hugs her and hands her a beer and she hands it back. He said," I forgot you don't drink beer and took it back and poured her a shot and she threw it back and told him it was good to see him. He leans in  close and said," whatever is bothering you tonight JJ we are gonna get if off your mind baby"
JJ said," I take it you are ready for a good time then"
Chase whispers,"always"
They head into the show and JJ gets front row by the stage so she can dance and flirt with Chase as he's performing. She takes a couple more shots and is feeling pretty good. Chase pulls her onstage when he sung Ride and and it got pretty hot. Aaron videoed it on his phone and sent it to JJ but he also put it on Chase's social media page. Chase finished up and was doing meet and greets and JJ just hung out with the guys and by the time Chase finished It was really late.
"JJ I'm sorry that I haven't had more time than this I feel bad cause I feel like I have neglected you tonight after inviting you here." Chase said leaning in close as he pulled her into his arms.
   " I knew that you were performing when I came Chase so it's okay. I have had a great time before you went on and your performance was amazing. Boy you got moves is all I can say. JJ responds wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Baby you haven't seen moves yet" as he leans down and their lips meet. Chase deepens the kiss and as JJ leans into him, his phone rings.
He pulls back and kisses her forehead telling her sorry. He answers the phone with "Hey man this really isn't a good time let me call you back tomorrow. "
JJ steps away and she takes another shot and checks her phone. Her social media has blown up with notifications and she sees the video Aaron has tagged her in on Chase's page. She has several text messages from friends that have seen it and she takes another shot. When Chase gets back he realized that JJ has more than just a buzz. He takes her back to the bus but not before calling Kolby to come pick her up.

  K: Hey man
C: Kolby I have JJ on my bus and she's past a buzz and I've got to pull out in a couple hours or I would just let her sleep it off til morning.
K: I'm on my way man, thanks for calling and since it's more than a buzz I hope that you haven't taken advantage of the situation.
C: No I haven't well to be honest we were on our way and I got a call and it took a while so that's when she drank more and it sent her over.
K: I will be there in an hour man.

Kolby goes to Brantley's door and knocks. Brantley comes to the door and asks,"what's wrong Ko?"
"Will you go with me to get JJ and drive her truck back, Chase called and she's over buzz limit and he's got to pull out in a few and doesn't want to leave her." Kolby explains
   "You know I will let me get dressed and we will head out." Brantley said.

As Brantley dresses Amber wakes up and asks"What are you doing?"
"I'm riding with Kolby to pick up JJ and drive her truck back since she has been drinking."

" Brantley Keith I cannot believe that you are gonna go out at 4 am and get her drunk ass. She ain't nothing but a whore anyway and you need to keep your distance it's stunts like this that made me block her number from your phone when we got back together."

Brantley stops and clenches his fists as he turns to face Amber and said,"You did WHAT?"

"I blocked that whores number when we started talking again cause every time she called you went running and I was sick and tired of it, so don't think that if you go running now that it will be okay cause it won't."

"Really you gonna threaten me Amber? Let me tell you something, JJ has been my friend for years and she stood by me during the good, bad and ugly years which is more than I can say for you. So yeah if she calls I will go running every damn time cause that is what family does for  each other. That girl has came and picked me up from more than one bar so yeah I think that I owe her one damn time. And another thing, she ain't no whore and don't you dare call her that again."

" I'm so glad I blocked her number pity is that you never knew she called and when she couldn't get you all those years ago she called me. I told her that you were busy and it wasn't a good time. She was crying and going on about being scared and needing you. I told her that you had made your choice and she lost."

Brantley is so furious he goes cold inside and he said," When I get back you need to be gone. I have been wracking my brain trying to find out why I had lost my best friend and it was because you were jealous and insecure of my best friend. Get out of my house and get your fucking shit out of my house in Georgia by tomorrow. I'm gone and I mean it when I get back you need to be gone." He turns and walks out slamming the door behind him. He climbs in the truck with Kolby and asks "Why in the hell didn't you tell me that Amber had blocked JJ from my phone?"
"I don't know what you are talking about brother."

"She just told me that she had blocked JJ from my phone when we started talking again and then when JJ couldn't get me she called Amber and Amber told her that I was busy it wasn't a good time and I had made my choice and it was her not JJ. She said that JJ was crying about being scared and she didn't tell me. What happened Kolby? What wasn't I there for? Why was JJ scared? I told Amber that she better be gone when we get back and to get her fucking shit  out of my house in Georgia."

"Hallelujah you have gotten your head out of your ass about that bitch. She has done more than just block JJ number but I honestly didn't know and JJ didn't either she thought you had chosen Amber over her. But it's not my story that is something that has to come from her brother."

Brantley gets a text and it's a video of Chase performing Ride grinding on JJ from tonight. It has the message "I told you she was a whore. Just like she was that night she called saying she was scared, she's a tease and got what she deserves."
Brantley hit the dash and screamed "Fuck, if I could get my hands on that bitch I would strangle her."
Kolby asks "what's wrong?"
Brantley tells him what Amber has sent him. Kolby is pissed knowing that everything JJ went through that night could have been stopped if only Amber hadn't been a jealous bitch.
They ride to Steamers in silence both lost in their own thoughts.

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