Chapter 9

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   BG stands there listening to everything JJ is telling him and he's getting pissed. When she tells him that Jace beat the shit out of her, he has to fight really hard not to go get in his truck  and go stomp his ass even 5 years later. Ko was right she has every reason to hate me cause I hurt her and I did choose Amber that night over her. How could I have been so dumb. Yeah I knew Jace thought she was hot so I asked him cause she deserved to have a relationship. JJ was the most kind and caring person and to know that he did this his actions like she said had set it all into motion. Just the fact that she is talking to him amazes him, cause he can tell her that he wouldn't be talking to her if he had been through all that.
"JJ, I'm so sorry I know that doesn't help what happened to you and I asked Jace cause I knew he thought you were hot. I wanted you to be happy and find someone. For once in my life I don't have words for you and you are right I have no right to try to comfort you. But JJ in 5 years I never forgot about you. You were always on my mind and it killed me when you left. That was the only time I have thought about throwing my sobriety away cause life wasn't the same without you in it but instead I threw myself into my music. I will just get my things and go so you can have some time with Ko. But I want you to know that if you need me I will be there, I know I have to prove that to you again but my number is still the same." Brantley turns to walk away and JJ says," wait I don't want you to leave cause I know that you are hurting right now and need family around you and that is what I need too after today."
JJ takes her bag and walks past them and up to Ko's room and lays across his bed.

BG looks at Ko and said," Why did you not tell me, I would have fixed things Ko. I wouldn't have lost 5 years with my best friend?"
" Cause if I told you she would have cut all contact with me and momma and I wasn't going to lose her. She told you that he beat the shit out of her but BG you can't imagine what she looked like when I found her the next day. I thought she was dead. I loaded her up and took her to the hospital where she stayed for 3 days. Then the day she was released I took her home and went to get groceries and she left while I was gone. She left a note telling me that she loved me and needed space from all this and she would let me know when she got settled. So yeah I was pissed at you and at Jace. But I finally found Jace and I beat the crap out of him not that it did any good cause you know what he's one of those that thinks women are only here on this earth for one thing. So JJ contacted me and said she was safe and with family in Alabama. She allowed me to be a part of her life even though looking at me reminded her of the worst thing that had ever happened to her. So that's why I jumped at the chance to work the farm, I'm only a couple hours away since she lost both her aunt and uncle in a car accident about a year after she moved. I was there to help her and you know she still visits momma but it was always with the stipulation that you weren't gonna be there. She's still hurt but she's angry BG cause all this time she put the blame on you. Now that she knows you didn't know well she's gonna have to deal with that so if you want her back in your life, just prove to her you won't run."

BG lets Ko's words sink in and he makes his way upstairs and he sees that JJ has fallen asleep on Ko's bed. He walks over and covers her up and she takes his hand and asks will you lay here with me I don't want to be alone right now. BG nods and slips off his chains and boots and lays down on the bed. JJ rolls and lays her head on his chest and he wraps his arm around her and kisses the top of her head. She snuggles in closer throwing her leg on top of his and BG just pulls her closer. He doesn't know if this will last but he knows that it feels so damn good to have her in his arms. He finally feels a peace that he hasn't felt in 5 years and with those thoughts he lets sleep overtake him.

JJ dreams of those intense green eyes that have always been able to see down to her soul. How they look at her and with just one look she is a mess of jello on the inside. She begins to move in her sleep and her hands roam over BGs chest and she snuggles into the crook of his neck and her hand travels down below his belt and she cups him and is rubbing on him when she feels a hand grab her ass and squeeze pulling her closer to him. She rubs against him the friction feeling so good and she thinks to herself that her dream can't get much better than this when she feels his hands travel to her breast and squeeze a moan escapes from her and she becomes awake realizing that it wasn't a dream. At the same time BG wakes and he looks at JJ and they both sit up and turn their backs on the other one.
  At the same time both of their phones go to buzzing nonstop alerting them of messages. They both pick up their phones and then turn to look at the other. Five years of messages are coming through now that her number has been unblocked from his phone.
  BG goes to the voicemail first knowing that it would tear him up but he gets up and walks downstairs and out the door. He listens to JJ begging him and pleading with him to come help her. Then he reads the text messages and he sees the pictures she had taken and sent of herself to show him what his friend had done to her. Then he reads the last text she sent where she tells him that she loves him but she finally gets the picture that she would never be good enough for him and hopes he has a happy life with Amber and that she knows he will make it big in country music. That one day he will remember her and the years they spent growing up and hanging out and know that they had been some of the best days of her life. He leans up against the fence looking out at the pasture and he breaks. He is crying cause he let the one woman who loved him flaws and all down. He left her to go get a piece of ass. How can she forgive him cause he knows that he will never be able to forgive himself. And he's beyond pissed because if Amber hadn't blocked her number he would have been there. He meant it when he had told Amber he would die for her. He's lost in his thoughts and trying to pull himself together when he feels arms go around his waist and he knows JJ is there to comfort him. He feels her lean into his back and he just stands there taking in the feel of her arms around him.

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