Chapter 11

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BG and JJ walk back to the house holding hands and talking about different things in their lives catching up the other at what has been going on for the last 5 years. Ko came out on the porch and said,"Did y'all kiss and make up?"
BG and JJ both laughed and said "yeah"
Ko's eyes bugged out and he said," y'all mean that literally don't you?"
They both laugh and BG answers," yeah I do we
both laid it all out on the line and plan to see where it goes, cause we let our fears and someone else come between us for to long."
JJ smiles and said," we know it ain't all over Ko, there will be times it comes back up but we are gonna give it a shot and get to know each other again. 5 years is a long time to not know the other"
"Well come in supper is done and I can have my sister and brother eat with me for the first time in 5 years."
They wash up and sit down at the table and talk about BG and how he is making it big now in country music. JJ fills BG in on being a school nurse and then she tells him that she is also the Varsity Girls basketball coach. That this weekend was her break before the season starts this coming Tuesday. He tells her that is good she was to good of a player not to share her knowledge with others.
Ko tells him that she's fun to watch coach. BG looks at him and asked, "you really have kept in touch more than just a phone call ever now and then?"
Ko said," yeah I have, we usually get together at least once a month she comes here or I go there but it's been 3 months since we got together, hence the long weekend before basketball season starts."
BG said," But neither of you ever put anything about the other on social media"
They both laugh and JJ said,"No, we don't because no one knows that I knew and grew up with y'all. They have met Ko but never do we say his last name or put it out there. Mainly because that was one of my conditions. How do you know we don't put things on social media, stalker much?"
BG laughs," yeah about once a week I got on and looked over your pages they were public so anyone could see. But what about you, I knew you liked my stuff on social media, stalker?"
JJ said," I would say that I did it because I was a fan but honestly I wanted to know that you were okay and I could do it like that and people would think I was just a fan."
Ko laughed, "Y'all know that you both are crazy all you had to do was ask me or momma."
BG said," I tried asking once and both you and momma bit my head off so I didn't ask again."
Ko asks," how are you gonna deal with this breakup with Amber?"
"Well Scott has already handling it he's gonna put out a statement that we decided to go our separate ways over a difference of opinion. If anyone asks me well it will probably depend on what kind of mood I am in if I tell them I can't be with someone who lies to me or if I tell them it just wasn't working out for us. "BG explained.
Ko said," you know you are gonna have to keep it quiet for a while about y'all being together so the media doesn't crucify JJ."
  BG looked at JJ and she looked like she had been slapped and she said,"We aren't together Ko, we are trying to figure things out and if people see us together we can always say we were childhood friends and lost touch and were reunited or just hanging out. Besides the media won't be coming to a little town in Alabama that no one has ever heard of."
BG said," We are trying to figure this out and I hope and pray we end up together JJ cause that is what I want but I also know that it's gonna take time because of all the things between us. Ko is right I don't want you crucified in the media but then again, we have done nothing wrong. Amber has and if she tries to push it I will let both guns blaze. We are gonna take this as it comes together cause that is when we are always at our best, when the other has our six."
Ko smiles and says," it is so nice to have you both here that I don't have to watch what I say or if something reminds me of the other I don't have to keep it to myself."
  JJ and BG looked at each other and then Ko and both said," I'm sorry"
JJ gets up and starts cleaning the dishes and tells them to go find a movie to watch cause she was just ready to chill after the past couple of days.
BG and Ko walk into the living room and start flipping through the movies and BG said," you will have to pick I don't know what she likes anymore." Ko said," she hasn't changed in that respect bro, give her a good action movie or a chick flick and she's good and if you combine the two she's great."
  BG laughed and said," Fast and Furious it is then"
  JJ came in with a big bowl of popcorn and sat down on the couch in between the brothers and propped her feet up on the table. She gets her phone out and taps a few times takes a picture and then taps some more and puts it down.  BG looks at her and asks what she's up to. Nothing at all except spending time with my two best friends that are my family.
   Ko looks at his phone and said,"JJ are you sure you need to do that what about nothing on social media?"
"It's snapchat Ko and you know that mine is private I have to accept you. So nobody will think anything about it." JJ tells him
BG said ," What are you two talking about?"
Ko said " JJ took a picture with her phone and put a saying on it and it will stay up for 24 hours and then disappear. It's a new thing that people do, you can take a picture and send it to someone and they can see it for up to 15 seconds. Then it's gone unless you put it on your story and people can look at it for up to 24 hours."
BG looks at her and said," can I see what you put?"
JJ grins and said "yeah" she gets her phone and shows BG the picture of all their feet propped up on the table with the bowl of popcorn and the caption "After a tough day nothing beats hanging out with my best friends"
BG looks at her and pulls her close and kisses the top of her head and says," my sentiments too, now let's watch the movie"
It wasn't but half way into the movie that JJ fell asleep on BG and he looked to Ko and asked where to put her. Ko told him "you got the biggest bed so put her there but bro tread very carefully" BG nodded his head and picked JJ up and took her to his room and slipped her jeans off her and her button up and put on her one of his t shirts and then took his jeans and shirt off and slid in behind her.

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