Chapter 6

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Brantley wakes up and he hears talking and he thinks about rolling over and going back to sleep and then he remembers that JJ is here. He is tired from driving to Georgia and then back but he decides to get up and see if they can hash this out, not like she can leave and he just smirks. He pulls on a pair of sweatpants and heads downstairs to the kitchen and he can tell JJ is pissed and hurt but her words stop him cold ...
  JJ said," I don't want to hear it Ko nothing can change the fact that the one person in this world who promised me to always be there for me and who said he would always have my back didn't, he walked out and chose to go get his dick wet instead of staying with me, celebrating the one thing that I had dreamed about since I was a little girl. Hell Ko he had kept me going all the times I wanted to quit. He was the one who I called when I was homesick and didn't think I could make it and the night of my results he walked out with his arm around her and she gave me that smirk. Then when I needed him the most next to losing my parents he laughed at me and I can't forget. I hear his laugh in my dreams and it was something I had always loved but that night it haunts me to this day in my dreams , so no I can't let it go cause I can't forget."

   Brantley knows that it's time to get to the bottom of everything and he walks into the kitchen. He goes and gets a mug out of the cabinet and pours coffee into it before he takes a place at the table. Ko looks at him and asked when did he get back and how did it go. Brantley told him about an hour or so ago and it went about like expected. She cried and was a bitch when the tears didn't work. I had the sheriff go out and collect her keys and make sure she left and Jon is changing the locks and the codes on the alarm system. I left her standing in the driveway, at this point I don't fucking care Ko I just want her gone.
JJ has just sat there listening to BG and she isn't sure what is going on but she sees the exhaustion in his eyes and the hurt that she hasn't seen in a long time.
Ko sat looking at both BG and JJ and decided that they were both stubborn. He told them that they all needed to go get something to eat and the diner would be the perfect place to be ready to go in 15 minutes. JJ told him that she was ready now she just would have to slip on shoes. BG told him that he would be ready to go and headed up the stairs. JJ looked at Ko with her eyebrows raised and he told her that it was time before he got up to go get dressed. She just shook her head and drank her coffee.
BG came down the stairs and handed JJ her keys. She thanked him for the ride home last night and he told her it was the least he could do since she had come and dragged him home from too many bars to count. JJ just smiled and said that was true and to be honest I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore cause you never knew which drunk BG was going to show up the one who was loving and handsy or the fighter, the one that wanted to fight anything that moved.
BG laughed and then said,"well one things for sure drunk JJ is the same, curl up and go to sleep when you get her still, but until then it's a fight with whoever tells her she's drunk."
   JJ laughed and said,"First time I've been drunk in a long time."
  Ko came down and told them to load up in his truck. JJ took off running and jumped in the passenger seat. BG shook his head and climbed in the back on the passenger side. They head out and the radio is playing when the dj tells that one of country music's biggest names has split and looks to be back on the market that they would tell after the commercial break. JJ said,"I wonder who it is since they said something but on the other hand sometimes they just really need to let people alone. It's bad enough breaking up without the eyes of the world on you."
The dj came back on and said," rumor has  it that early in the morning hours that the local sheriff in Georgia was called to the home of Brantley Gilbert to make sure that his longtime girlfriend and fiancée  Amber was escorted off the property with all of her possessions. We haven't been able to reach the singer or his label for comment at this time."
JJ hears,"Fuck that's all I need right now" from the back seat as she turns to look at him. He looks at her and raises an eyebrow and JJ said," when did this happen? What am I missing here guys?"
BG said," It happened when Ko asked me to go with him to pick you and your truck up. She pitched a fit and I told her it was the least I could do cause you had drug my ass home from a bar more than once when someone called and had always been there when I was at my lowest point. And she told me that she knew that if you called that I would always go  running and that was why she blocked your number when she and I got back together this last time."
JJ looks at BG and then back to Ko and she said," I ought to go stomp a mud hole in her ass and walk it dry. So you never got my phone calls or text messages 5 years ago. Did she tell you that I called her?"
BG said," She told me this morning and that she told you that I had chosen her but I swear JJ I had no idea you called. All I knew is that you up and left and never answered any of my texts the last 5 years but then again if it was blocked you wouldn't have."
JJ turns around and looks out the window knowing that this changes everything or does it? BG doesn't know what happened but he still blew her off that night and he still let his buddy take her home, so she now had a lot to figure out.
  They head into the diner and order their food. BG said," I know I have no right to ask but are you and Chase an item and country music just doesn't know about it?"
JJ laughed," You are right you have no right to ask but no we aren't a couple."
BG said,"care to elaborate?"
JJ smiled," no"
Ko laughed and BG slapped him on the back of the head. JJ smiled and said," nothing has changed in 5 years between y'all two."
They both just laugh at her. Their food comes and they dig in, not saying much. BG keeps stealing glances at JJ and he sees that she isn't the same girl he once knew. Something in her has changed and she didn't have that carefree look in her eyes anymore. There was a guarded look one that he wasn't sure that he liked.

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