Chapter 52

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JJ is back at work and staying busy while BG is in Georgia getting ready for the trial. They have his tour set to kick off in February if he is able. The lawyer has told them that he would bet money that BG would have to do some time. As soon as it is over with and they know something JJ plans to set a date cause this has taught her to cherish every minute they have together.
   JJ's principal comes in and tells her that her request to be off next week for the trial has been approved and that she went have to take any days since she is a witness at the trial. She thanked him and went back to work. She was working on the area tournament brackets since her girls had won the area they were hosting the tournament the week after the trial.
   JJ text BG

JJ:  Hey babe just got word that my leave for the trial was approved and with pay since I am a witness.

BG: That's great baby so that means you will be heading home when?

JJ:  Right after my game Friday night so I should be there around midnight if not a little sooner

BG:  Sounds great cause I miss you baby

JJ: I miss you too! Got some things I want to talk to you about when I get there.

BG: Should I be worried?

JJ:  nah I want to talk wedding plans with ya

BG: Now that is something I can look forward to making plans to make you Jennifer Justine Gilbert

JJ:  You and me both baby I need to get back to work but I will talk to you after practice. I love you!

BG: Sounds great. I love you!

After that conversation JJ goes back to work and then gets to practice and puts Oakley and the rest of the team including herself through the paces. They lifted weights and then did some laps to cool down. Oakley asked her if she was okay when all the others had left and they were still in the gym shooting. JJ stopped and said,"to be honest the not knowing is driving me crazy. I have been working to keep my mind off of it Oakley and its helped some but I just can't stand not knowing BG's future. I mean he may lose it all because of me and that is what I am having trouble with, cause I am afraid he will hate me."

Oakley said, " Coach you know that man ain't gonna hate you listen to Read Me My Rights and that should tell you all you need to know and it is he would do it in a heartbeat all over again. Why ? Because he loves you and if it meant he had to spend the rest of his life in prison so you could live he would. So quit worrying I know you have faith and we are just gonna pray that it will all work out. "

JJ hugs Oakley and tells her,"thanks now how are you and Ko coming along?"

"He is my friend and that is where he plans on staying or so he says. He cares for me but I'm a senior he's a grown man and I hope when I get to UGA he will change his mind."

JJ tells her not to give up that she thinks Ko will come around.JJ tells Oakley its time to head home and that she would see her later.


Monday morning at the courthouse

BG and JJ walk into the courthouse with PJ leading the way through the reporters, they make it inside the courtroom and head toward the lawyer. They waived trial by peers and ate having it with Judge Carter.

The DA calls the sheriff to the stand and questions him. BG lawyer questions him asking if BG resisted arrest or gave them any trouble and asked his state of mind at the scene and the sheriff said that BG was cooperative and was worried and scared for JJ but that was his only concern.

They called JJ to the stand and the DA was ruthless in his questioning of her that he made her cry more than once which caused BG to growl. The DA made her relive those moments over and over until the judge told him that was enough that if he didn't have anything else to ask he could sit down.
   BG's lawyer asked,"at any time did you fear for your life?"
JJ said,"from the moment I woke up in that room I knew that if BG didn't find me then I was dead. So yes I feared for my life."
"What were your thoughts when Mr Gilbert came through the door?"

"I knew then my nightmare was over cause I had been beaten a second time and now raped and if someone didn't kill him then I would always live in fear of it happening again."

"Why do you feel like that?"

"Cause when he put me in the hospital and I want able to work for 3 months last time all he got was community service and probation and he laughed about it."

The lawyer let her down from the stand.

The DA said he was through.
The lawyer called BG to the stand and asked him this question,"Why did you feel that deadly force was necessary? "

BG said,"I knew I had to find JJ and when I walked in that room and saw him on top of her with a knife I knew that he would kill her and I just reacted. I shot him and then I called 911 and turned myself in."

The DA said,"did you go there with the intent of killing him?"

"No I went with the intent of getting my fiancé back but I was willing to do whatever was necessary to make sure that we both made it out alive."

"Well don't you think that it was premeditated if you knew that you might have to kill him?"

"No sir cause when I went after her i thought my ex had her and she in fact was the one who ambushed her so no I did not go with the intent to kill just to save the woman I  love"

The DA sat down the defense rested and Judge Carter said that he would let them know his decision as soon as he made it.

BG took JJ to lunch and made her eat a few bites. He knew she was worried and he told her"whatever happens always know that i love you and would do it all again sweetheart."

BG gets the call and they head back to the courtroom. Judge Carter walked in and he told them to be seated. He said,"I have thought long and hard about this case and how I could rule. I know that it is a difficult situation for all involved. With that being said, I am taking into consideration the past history of the deceased and the fact that even with the means available Mr Gilbert did not run or even try to hide what he had done. He also did not violate his bail agreement. I have thought about the state of mind he must have been in and after listening to Miss Jaxon and her account I put myself in Mr Gilbert's shoes and I do feel like he felt fear for her life and for his. If the deceased did not have a weapon then my ruling would be different. With that being said, Will the defendant please rise, I find you Mr Gilbert in the charges of murder in the first degree not guilty by reason of self defense.  You ate free to go."

JJ jumps up and hugs BG and he holds her tight knowing one that they can fully move on with their lives. 

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