Chapter 66

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JJ can hardly believe that she is on her way to her bachelorette party. She really didn't want to do the whole bachelor /bachelorette parties but the whole gang wouldn't hear her out. BG well he didn't care one way or the other. The girls planned on getting her drunk tonight but she wasn't having any of that, last time she got drunk she had to deal with Chase, although BG had come back into her life that night. She really wanted to stay with Oakley cause something was up with her since the game. They had been so busy since then they haven't been able to spend any quality time together. JJ had talked to Oakley's parents about Kolby and JJ smiles when she thinks what her mother said. She had told JJ that it was about time for him to realize that Oakley cared about him and they knew he cared about her. They had watched it develop over the last 3 years and approved but wanted Kolby to come talk to them. She told him but so far she knows that he hasn't done that. She's not sure what the deal is with him. She told BG to find out tonight what Ko's problem was.
Ash snaps her fingers in front of JJ's face and she comes out of her thoughts. Ash said," you got to forget about all the high school drama and focus on your last night with your tribe. I really am sorry that Oakley couldn't come but she is underage JJ"
JJ laughed," I know that Ash I just don't want to do anything to mess up what I have going with BG. I feel like something is going to happen cause I am so close to getting everything I have ever dreamed of. I have waited so long to call that man mine and I don't want one night to cost me. So please tell me that you didn't hire a stripper and that we are not going to a strip club. He will kill us all you know how possessive he is of what he claims as his. He won't be okay with it just like I wouldn't be okay with some stripper rubbing up on him."
Ash just smiles and that is when I know that I am in trouble and it makes me sick to my stomach.
They have kidnapped me and we pull into the parking lot of 40 Watt club in Athens I smile. Ash said," now that is more like it JJ let's go blow off some steam and let loose since you are about to be a married woman next weekend. They all get out and get inside and Ash gets the drinks and the girls raise their glasses when Ash said,"To JJ , we know she needs all our prayers with that outlaw of a man she loves and is planning on marrying , now to one last night of being single and having a great time with Dierks!!"
JJ looked at Ash and she motioned to the stage and out walked Dierks. They made their way to the front with their drinks by dancing. Dierks is singing and he winks at JJ as she makes her way to the front. JJ has on her tiara and veil and sash that said Last Fling before the Ring. She was dancing with Ash and a guy came up and asked her to dance and told her he would be her last fling. JJ shook her head and told him no thanks. He continues and Dierks stops his show and tells him "Man I suggest you leave her alone she is taken and the big sumbitch that calls her his, well you don't want to mess with him."
The guy said," What he don't know won't hurt him. " and he puts his hand on JJ and that is when he hears behind him.
"No son it won't hurt me but it might hurt you if you don't get your hands off my soon to be wife." BG tells him.
JJ gasps and jumps and BG catches her with no trouble. He kisses her and the guy slinks away into the crowd. Ash grins and said," we knew y'all wouldn't stand for a traditional party so we just made you think you were having one."
BG and JJ smile cause they are happy now and everyone else is too having a great time drinking and dancing. Well everyone except Ko and he is getting drunk off his ass. JJ tried to talk to him and so did BG but he just pushed them away. He is on his phone and then gets with some skanky girl and it pisses both JJ and BG off because they are wondering what happened to his interest in Oakley.
JJ gets a text with a picture from Oakley. The picture is of the girl giving Ko a blowjob in the men's room. Oakley is devastated and JJ is trying to fix things and tell her that she will get to the bottom and not to do anything stupid. JJ makes Oakley promise she won't do anything until she finds out what is going on. Oakley does promise her that.
    JJ goes to find Ko and pulls the girl off of him and tells her if she knows what's good for her she will get lost and forget about him. She starts to say something and JJ said," I said for you to leave you skanky ass bitch and I'm not playing." Then she turned to Ko and said," What the hell were you thinking sending that picture to Oakley? She cares about you and I thought you cared about her but if you do you have a sick way of showing it. I am ashamed of you right now that I don't even want to look at you but I want to know what the hell is going on and you better start talking." BG comes up as she is tearing Ko a new one and he asks what is going on and she showed him the picture and texts from Oakley and BG hit Ko before JJ can stop him. They are fighting and end up going outside with it as JJ finds there group and tells Eli she needs help. When they get outside BG has beat the crap out of Ko and tells Eli to take him to his mommas that he can't stand to look at h right now.
  BG pulls JJ into the truck and they go home and he pulls her into his arms and said," Ko has a problem with drinking JJ how do I get him to realize it?"
"We will figure it out together. In the morning when we have all cooled down, you and I will head to mommas and confront him. He is pushing Oakley away because of it and I will be damned if I lose another Gilbert brother to the bottle for years." JJ tells him.

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