Chapter 27

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BG and JJ are standing on the porch waving to Cam as he leaves with Eli and Ashley. BG kisses the top of JJ's head and pulls her to his side. JJ rests her head on his chest and puts her arms around him. He tells her," okay we need to talk babygirl about your statement from earlier."
JJ nodded and they sat down on the porch swing. BG said," You have to know that you are in most of my songs if you have listened to them. They were about you, you were the one I loved and lost. I let you get away and I regretted it every day but in my defense I honestly thought you were better off without me JJ. You deserved to shine and I knew that from the time you were scouted that you would go places and I had nothing to offer you. So I made you my best friend thinking I would always have you in my life. That night 5 years ago, I had every intention of staying with you. We had made plans and been looking forward to celebrating for 4 years and I made the mistake and told Amber that I had a date with you to celebrate you passing your boards. She had hit all our spots before finding us there. When she showed up I knew that it brought you down and I wanted you to be able to enjoy it so I asked Jace if he could take you home. I knew he liked you,  never thought that he would have done what he did. I had no clue Amber was trying to get rid of you in my life. I wrote those songs because I lost you I had several people tell me that I would get over it or that you weren't worth my time and I always answered you don't know her like I do. No we had never kissed but I never could win a fight with you and you never let me sleep and  I still have that Zepplin shirt that you signed for me. So those songs were about you about us JJ"
  JJ has tears running down her face," I could only hope that our times together made an impact but then again when I thought you rejected me it put all kinds of doubt in my mind and so I thought maybe they were all about Amber, how you couldn't live without her. But the media asked you and you said they were about her.
  "I couldn't really tell them they were about the girl that got away while Amber was right there in the room with us. So they just assumed they were about Amber cause we had that on again off again relationship. Now that you know the rest of the story are you okay?"
"I am okay cause I have you in my life again." JJ told him.
  BG kisses her head and said," we need to get in the bed since tomorrow is Sunday and we have church then lunch at Momma's house."
JJ smiled and got up heading inside.


BG and JJ walked into the church they grew up in, JJ not having been there for 5 years. Lots of people stopped to say hi and ask if they were together and asked what happened with Amber. "Nothing like a small town."BG whispered into JJ's ear. She smiled and said,"we both know neither one of us would have it any other way. Besides I'm used to it, its worse than this where I live now."
BG raised an eyebrow and told her she would have to explain later.
After church they headed to Momma's house and JJ helped finish lunch and as they were talking Momma asked JJ what time she was leaving.
JJ said,"I am leaving at 4 cause I have to stop in Athens on my way home to talk to Joni Taylor."
BG looked at her and asked,"Why are you talking to Coach Taylor?"
JJ said," I am gonna talk to her about Oakley. I think she would be a good fit for UGA besides Coach Landers called and wanted to see me said he was gonna be there. So I can kill 2 birds with one stone."
BG grinned," are you looking to come back and play your 2 years of eligibility?"
JJ laughed," no I'm to old for that it really is about Oakley."
Ko asked," does she know you are doing this?"
JJ said,"No and don't you tell her either"
BG looked at Ko and raised his eyebrows. Ko said," I won't but are you sure she wants to do this?"
JJ responded," I want her to have options and she said she would like to play now that she doesn't have Tyler telling her every move to make. So I thought I would use my contacts to see besides y'all have seen her play. She's so much better than I was."
BG said," If she is better than you it is because you taught her, she listens to you and then does it."
Ko said," she is good JJ and she's better this year than last year."
JJ said," I know and I hate to cut this short but I do need to get back to BG's and get my stuff together."

   On the way back to BG's JJ ask him if she could come spend the holidays with him. BG smiled and said,"Babygirl, you don't have to ask but yes you can."
"Well I didn't know if you had plans or not so yeah I needed to ask. I have games these next few weeks but so looking forward to spending more than a couple days together."
BG said," I know I have some radio tours these next few weeks so I will be looking forward to spending time with you more than just overnight or a couple days. When's it's over I am heading to the farm to hunt a little bit and I will be seeing some more games, so send me your schedule."

They arrive at BG's and JJ is packing up her stuff and as she goes to pick up her suitcase BG tells her he has it but she's forgetting something. She looks around and said," no I got it all"
BG said," No you are forgetting my heart it belongs to you and he opens a box he had in his hand and in the box lay a heart necklace made of diamonds. JJ puts her hands over her mouth and tears run down her face. She looks at him and said," I don't have to have jewelry as long as I know you are mine. I just need you nothing else just you."
BG said," I need you and I saw this and it made me think of you and how you have had my heart since I was 12 and met you that first day. I wanted you to see this and know it. I know you have the ring I gave you when we were younger as a friend but this well I want you to see it and know it's my heart. I love you Jennifer Justine"
"You have my heart since that day too and I love the necklace but more than that I love you Brantley Keith."

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