Chapter 8

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JJ is beyond beat and knows that if she heads home and tries to sleep that all she will experience is nightmares. Dealing with Oakley and helping her to see that she needed to press charges against her boyfriend for the beating he gave her has taken its toll. She knows that it won't be easy for Oakley but she knows that she is strong a lot stronger than JJ ever thought about being.
JJ texts Ko,
JJ: hey do you care if I come back to the farm?
Ko: no you know I don't care but got to ask why?
JJ: I don't want to be alone and the farm is closer than going home to Momma Becky's house
Ko: You know that you are always welcome but I have to tell you that BG is here.
JJ: at this point I don't care I am beyond beat and I can't stomach going home alone for the nightmares to take over. She was beaten pretty bad and I finally convinced her to press charges against him. The one thing that helps is she is a minor and so the DA can go after him whether she wants to or not.
Ko: come on just be careful driving
JJ: okay see you in a couple

Back on the road JJ listens to the radio and zones out trying to let the ugliness of the day wash away with the miles she puts between her and the situation only thing is she is running to another situation that she doesn't really know how to handle. If she's honest it felt good to see BG and be able to eat with him this morning but at the same time she wants to hit him for all that happened 5 years ago. She knows it's past time to put it to rest, that she can't move on without addressing what happened and that means telling him everything.

Ko tells BG that JJ was on her way back to the farm and that she was beat. She knows he's still here and she's willing to come  anyway so he best tread lightly cause she has dealt with some rough shit today and she needs an oasis. BG asks him if he's gonna tell him what happened and Ko told him that it was not his story to tell but he would tell him that whatever she throws at you it ain't enough considering what happened to her. Ko then goes back to work. BG's mind is running wild and he is imagining all kinds of things and it makes him sick to his stomach and mad all at the same time. He works next to Ko in silence. They finish up and Ko told him that it was time to head in cause he wanted a meal ready for JJ when she got here. BG went to the bathroom and showered and came back to the kitchen. He sees what Ko has laid out to cook and gets started prepping for it. Nothing fancy just their momma's spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. He starts the sauce adding all the ingredients and turning it down on low. Ko comes in from showering and nodded. He grabs a beer from the fridge and hands BG a Mt Dew and tells him to come sit down a while. They end up in the living room playing on the PS4 Call of Duty. They don't hear JJ pull in cause they are arguing. She gets out and grabs her bag and hears them so she knows they don't know she has made it there. She walks in and they both look up and BG was the first up and he takes two steps and pulls her into his arms and that was all it took for her to lose it.
  JJ felt his arms go around her and she starts crying and ugly cry and he continues to hold her telling her that it would be alright to let it all out. JJ leans into him letting everything that she had been holding inside her out and then she realizes who it is and she gets mad.
     She pushed away and turns back to him and said," you don't get to do that BG, you can't just come waltzing in after 5 years of silence and expect everything to be okay. I get you didn't know I called but you damn well knew you were leaving me at a bar alone to go off with her so you could get your damn dick wet. It was my night one that you and I had planned for years. We were supposed to be celebrating me passing my boards and we were until she came in and then you dropped me like last year's trendy clothes. So no you don't get to waltz in and think everything is okay just cause you didn't know. You made a choice that night that set so much into motion, you chose Amber over me and that broke my heart."
  BG looked at JJ and said,"okay I get that I hurt you but I honestly thought you were okay cause you told me to go that you were fine. Besides I talked to Jace and he said he would make sure you got home okay. Don't tell me you are still pissed off 5 years later cause I asked Jace to take you home instead of me."
JJ looked at BG and said," You are unfucking believable, no Im not still pissed because you asked Jace to take me home I am still pissed because when Jace took me home he felt like I owed him something and I quote "without BG here I can finally get what I have always wanted and that is a piece of your ass" and when I told him no that I wasn't gonna sleep with him he beat the shit out of me. I got away and was able to call you only you didn't answer so I called Amber and told her I was scared and I needed you to come to my house and she laughed and I heard you laughing in the background and she told me them that you had made your choice, I was stupid if I thought that you would ever choose me over her. And she hung up and Jace found me and beat me again. He had a problem raping a girl but he didn't have a problem beating the shit out of one. I was in a hospital for 3 days and then when I got out I moved to Alabama and stayed with my aunt and uncle until they cleared me to work. So now you know what happened, what YOU set into motion by your choice to blow me off for a piece of ass."

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