Chapter 78

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JJ wakes up and looks at BG and smiles. He surprised her last night coming to her. She moves and grimaces cause not only did he fuck her when he got there he woke her up twice during the night and loved on her so much she was sore. She looks at the time and freaks out. She is late for work. BG pulls her back down to him and whispers in her ear," you aren't late I called and told them to get you a sub that you wouldn't be there today. What I didn't tell them is that I plan on keeping you in the bed with me just like you suggested on the phone yesterday."
JJ laughs and said," I don't know if I can take you again baby cause it hurts already to move. But I am not complaining cause it has been to damn long without you."
   "Well then darlin how about we take a bath and let you rest a little and then we will fix something to eat and just hand out doing nothing but being together."
  "Sounds good to me I love that idea."
  BG picked her up and took her to the bathroom and filled the tub up and they got in with him holding her. He took the wash cloth and washed every inch of JJ making her relax and feel so loved. He stood up and got a towel and dried off before picking her up and wrapping her in a towel. He moves the towel over her and then he grabs her lotion and pours some in his hand before rubbing it over JJ. She leans back into him and moans and he tells her," watch it darlin that will just get something started"
JJ laughs and said," you have magic hands cause that feels so good, now let's go fix us something to eat. JJ pulls on her robe tying it and walks to the kitchen where she starts cooking pancakes and fruit. She puts the plates in front of BG and he smiles and said," you know I love your pancakes" JJ smiled and said "yes I know you do"
  BG and JJ finish eating and they clean up before going back to the bedroom and turning on Netflix. JJ asks him if he is sure about her traveling with him in 3 weeks. He smiles and said," Wife I cannot wait till we are able to be together every day because it is hell on the road without you."
  "Good to know because after prom I think I am going to go ahead and take my days and be with you cause I hate being apart."
"Are you sure? I mean the kids"
"Well I have been talking to them and they all understand as long as I promise to come back for graduation."
  " Damn girl you just made my day a whole lot better!!"
  "Oh I think I can make it better than that" she rolls over and unknots the robe letting it fall and BG looks at her and gets the idea and pulls her to him as he begins to kiss her body. " oh darlin I like when you make things better"
  And with those words he tumbles back into bed with his wife showing her all the love he has been holding inside.

   Several hours later JJ snuggles into BG's chest and he tells her," baby as bad as I hate to say this I have to get up and get gone to catch my flight."
  "I don't want you to go I loved spending all day with you"
"Baby only one more week and we will be together so much that you will be wanting to kill me I'm sure."
  " no baby I will never be wanting out cause I have done the living without you and it was the most miserable time of my life."
  BG gets up and gets dressed and kisses JJ and tucks her into bed. He tells her to stay in bed that he will lock up and turn the security on and that she has an early day tomorrow. He leans over and kisses her again and does as he says about locking things up as he leaves. He drives off knowing that he can survive a week but that she will be with him soon.

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