Chapter 74

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As BG and JJ are laying in the hammock on the patio watching the sunset his phone rings. He gets up and goes to get it and answers because it was his momma. He knew that something was wrong because there was no way she would call him on his honeymoon with JJ otherwise. JJ gets up and walks to BG and puts her arms around his waist leaning her cheek on his back. She knows that this will be the first test of their marriage, whatever news he is getting is not good. He says," Angel what's wrong?"
"Brantley its granddaddy he passed away just a few minutes ago. I hate to call and tell you this right now cause it's supposed to be your honey moon but I know you would want to know."

" You're right momma I do want to know, was it peaceful or was it bad and how is grandmother?"

"Baby he was in the room with your grandmother looking at her and he just closed his eyes and was gone with a smile on his face. So yes baby it was peaceful. We are waiting to make arrangements tomorrow and it looks like the funeral will be Saturday if you will be back by then since today is Wednesday."

"Momma JJ and I will be back Friday or that was the plan although I can try to get a flight out tomorrow."

"No Brantley, you stay till you are supposed to nothing you can do and granddaddy would be the first to tell you to take care of your wife. He said that you loved her like he loved grandmother. He was so proud of that son. I will see you on Friday. I love you!"

" Angel I love you too and yeah I do love JJ like that and if anything changes or y'all need me home sooner please call me."

"I will son I promise now get off this phone and enjoy your bride and know that we are okay back home."

BG hangs up and sets his phone down on the table. He turns to JJ and said," that was Momma, she called to tell us that granddaddy has passed away. Visitation will be Friday night and funeral Saturday. He was looking at grandmother and closed his eyes and was gone. JJ that man was my rock. Him and Pop showed me how love was supposed to be, how a man is supposed to treat his wife. I remember when I went to see him last, he told me that if I let you get away I was a fool and he didn't raise me to be no fool. He loved you JJ as much as he loved me and Ko and he was so happy to know that we were getting married. I am so glad that he was still alive when we got married. How do I do this JJ? How do I say goodbye to one of the greatest men I know? I don't know that I can do this. "
   JJ hugs him and tells him," You can do this because he taught you how to do this. He showed you every day of his life how to handle things and how to be a good man and husband. You don't have to do this alone baby, I am right here with you every step of the way just like they showed us in the way they loved each other. You have been my rock now it's my turn to be yours. Lean on me and let me love you through this."
BG let the tears fall and JJ held him in her arms until he stopped. Knowing that her husband was grieving but that he would be fine because he had two of the greatest men ever that had shown him just what it meant to be a man.

  The rest of their time they spent talking and loving on one another knowing that in just a precious few hours they would be heading back to the rest of the world and the reality of laying to rest one of the greatest men they had ever known.
  They make their flight without any problems and as they are on the plane they get the first hit of reality. The news has their pictures of the wedding on and so they are recognized and it isn't what he wants to deal with but he knows he has to, granddaddy would expect him to. They land and get their bags and go straight home to get ready to go to the funeral home. He told his momma that he would meet them all there.
   As they get in the truck BG looks at JJ and said," this is going to be hard but I know that with you by my side I can do anything cause he was right I do love you like he love grandmother and how Pop loved Nana."
JJ smiles and squeezes his hand to let him know she is right beside him.
   As they arrive many family members greet him and he talks to them making his way to his momma. As soon as she spotted him and JJ she starts crying, BG pulls her into his arms and says," Angel it's gonna be okay I promise. I'm sorry I wasn't here before now."
  " oh Brantley I'm just glad you are here now cause you know granddaddy would have been upset if y'all came home early. He loved you boys and JJ and knew that y'all were meant to be just like Pop did."
  BG and JJ make their way to the front to say goodbye to one of the greatest men to ever live. They watch the video that someone has put together and it has Indianas Angel and pictures of his mom and granddaddy during that song and then Fall into Me had pictures of his grandparents. He was taken back and that was what made him lose it. He held on to JJ as they watched.
The night was long and he was glad when it was over knowing that tomorrow would be harder than tonight.

   BG gets up and showers getting ready for the funeral and JJ calls him to the kitchen to eat. They are both reserved today their thoughts on the upcoming funeral. Momma Becky has asked BG to give the eulogy and he's not sure he will be able to do it. He's trying to figure out what to say and is trying to write it down and JJ puts her hand on his and says, " just speak from your heart baby and you will make him proud." 
  They finish getting ready and head to the church where they meet everyone and walk in together. They play his favorite hymn and then it's time for BG to speak. He gets up and walks to the pulpit and says,"When Momma asked me to speak today my first instinct was to say no because I couldn't do this but then I heard Grandaddy say in my mind " Brantley you can do anything with God" so here I am. Granddaddy has been a part of my life as long as I can remember, my first memory is him picking me up when I had fallen and scraped my knee. He told me then that no matter how many times I would fall he would be there to pick me up. He came through with that promise more than once, he was also the first to bend me over his knee and whoop my butt when I done wrong. He was the one who came and picked me up from jail when I was in trouble and the one who told me I was killing myself with alcohol. He was the first visitor I had besides momma. It was through watching him and Pop that I learned what it meant to be a man.They taught me what true love looked like and how it was to place someone else above yourself. What he would want us all to take with us from his life is his love for family and how to treat each other but more importantly his love for God and his faith. That is the greatest thing I have learned from granddaddy."
BG makes his way to sit beside his momma and JJ and his momma  leans over and said," Grandaddy would be so proud"
The service is complete and BG takes his place with the pallbearers and they tote the casket out of the church to the waiting hearse. He then gets in the car and drives behind to the cemetery where they do the closing prayer before going back to his mommas house. 
  They all celebrate Grandaddys life by telling stories and laughing and loving on each other just like he would have wanted.

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