Chapter 1

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Deer Farm in Alabama

Kolby and JJ were in the razor headed back to the house after he had taken her on a tour of the farm and had shown her the new fawns. He was explaining everything to her and she was having a blast. They pull up to the house and are getting off when a black Ford truck rolls up. JJ looks at Kolby and said,"You told me he wasn't gonna be here Ko"
"I didn't know he was JJ or I would have told you not to come. I know you don't want to see him right now although I think you two need to work it out JJ. A friendship like yours well that's once in a lifetime darlin"
JJ stood and stared at Kolby and said," I can't and you know why."
Brantley has gotten out of the truck and come around and helped Amber down and was walking toward them.
JJ looks at Kolby and goes to hug him and says," thanks for the tour and the ride. I'm gonna head on out now Ko. I will catch you later."
Kolby says," please stay JJ I haven't seen you in such a long time and I miss you sister."
With a look of pain and hurt JJ says," I can't Ko it hurts too damn much to see them together. And you know I would get mad and open my mouth and it wouldn't end well. I will be back soon I promise"
Kolby nods and hugs her tight.
Brantley and Amber walk up and Amber said," well if it isn't Jennifer Jaxon, long time no see"
JJ said," Yeah it has been a long time and well it's gonna be even longer cause I was just leaving."
JJ looks at her phone and sends back a message and grins. " catch you later Ko"
She heads to her truck and Brantley turns and hollers at her," hey JJ wait a minute"
JJ keeps walking and Brantley jogs catching up with her and grabs her arm saying," wait JJ"
JJ turns around and looks at him and says,"what do you want Brantley?"
"I want to know what's going on you have shut me out and I want to know the fuck why?" Brantley says
"I'm not doing this I have somewhere to be and you know the fuck why Brantley just use the brain in your head and not your dick. Now let me go I have a date and you are gonna make me late." She jerks away and gets in her truck and heads out down the road squalling her tires and that told Brantley whatever it was that she was upset about was huge, she never treated her truck like that.
Brantley heads to Kolby and said," I want to know what the hell is going on with JJ and who the hell does she have a date with tonight?"
Kolby looked his brother in the eye and said,"Bro you need to use your brain and think and I didn't know she had a date but honestly it's none of your damn business"
Amber spoke up and said," it's Jennifer and come on we all know she's a drama queen always has been always will be. Now that she's gone can we please go inside?"
Brantley said," go ahead I'm gonna help Kolby finish up the chores out here"
Amber walks to the house and Brantley turns to Kolby and said," you better tell me what is going on with JJ right now Kolby"
Kolby looked at Brantley and said," I love you brother but I don't have to tell you anything. It's in your brain all you need to do is think back and remember."
Brantley said," I'm tired of you two telling me I know but I don't Kolby or I wouldn't be asking you."
Kolby looks at Brantley and he see then that he really doesn't know and that changes everything." Brother you need to remember back to when it was last good between you and JJ and that may give you some clues. I promised her I wouldn't say anything so I can't BG"
Kolby sent JJ a text.

K: who do you have a date with that you used BG to blow me off

JJ: As I was leaving Chase text he's playing in Trussville at Cajun Steamer and wanted to know if I could come hang. Since our plans got busted with him and her showing up I decided I needed to blow off some steam and who better than Chase.

K: You really think that is a good idea JJ? Don't be stupid, don't let BG make you do something you will regret please think about it.

JJ : I'm 27 Ko, I'm grown, have a job and a house. I think if I want to salvage the days I took off Chase is just the man to do it. Peace out bro✌🏻

"Shit, damn girl is gonna be the death of me" Kolby mumbled as he pulls the bag of feed down.
Brantley said," you having girl trouble brother?"
Kolby said, "no I have sister trouble"

"Okay you have to spill since it has to do with JJ what's going on man?"

"Well bro, JJ had taken off today and tomorrow and was planning on spending it and the rest of the weekend here at the farm with me. Then y'all showed up and she had to leave. Well as she was leaving Chase text her asking her to hang with him tonight he's playing at a bar. So she told me that since our plans got busted that she decided she needed to blow off some steam and what better way to salvage her weekend than hanging with Chase."

"Hell Kolby what have I done that I have lost her? I have wracked my brain and I can't figure it out. I miss her so damn much I text her and she never replies. I know she sees my social media stuff she even likes it. But she won't even stay here if I come? And I don't want her blowing off steam with Chase. He's a good guy but not good enough for JJ"

"I think you both need to talk to each other but you can't do it with Amber around brother. JJ won't even consider that."

" Okay I am about done with those 2 at each other's throats I'm about ready to lock them in a damn room until they can play nice"

" If you do that be prepared to plan a funeral for Amber cause the only reason that JJ hasn't killed her before now is you and the fact that you chose Amber"

"Okay apparently I have missed something along the way cause I thought that Amber and JJ were friends, or got along but then it all changed and I don't know how or why"

"Well that is a good place for you to start trying to figure it out"

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