Chapter 15

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BG is back on tour after the weekend break and has a radio interview. They ask about the new music coming out in January and he tells them that he is really excited about it. They ask about the rumors that he and Amber have broken up and he tells them that it was true that they had went their separate ways. The radio person asked if it was true that the sheriff had come and escorted her off his property. Brantley chuckles and said," No I am friends with the sheriff and let's just say the breakup wasn't pretty so instead of sticking around while she got her stuff out of the house I left and went to my farm in Alabama and the sheriff came and picked up her set of keys. This way things went smoothly."
"Can we ask what caused the breakup cause everyone always thought she was the one who got away ?" The dj asked.

"You can ask but it doesn't mean I will answer with details. Let's just say some things came to light and I knew I couldn't marry her."

"Well she has said that you cheated are you saying she cheated?"
" I sure as hell didn't cheat on her and as far as I know she didn't cheat on me. I just can't marry someone I don't trust and I found out she had kept something very important and life altering from me over the past 5 years. She can spin it however she wants to but that's the truth."
"Well what are you going to do now?"
" I plan on playing my music and reconnecting with some friends that I haven't seen in a while and live this life I have been given."
" Well y'all heard it here folks he's gonna keep on doing his thing and being BG and roll with the punches."

BG gets on the bus after the interview and he has a text from JJ,

JJ: Heard your interview just now you handled it well but if you need to you can use me I don't care I'm a big girl 😜

BG: I want to keep you to myself for a little while longer just so I don't have to share you with my fans😉

JJ: okay but I'm good either way BG

BG: How are your nerves today with first game being tonight?

JJ: I'm trying to keep busy it's worse than when I played if you can imagine that 😳

BG: Good luck tonight coach, go whoop some ass

JJ: that is the plan only time will tell.

JJ goes about her day and is smiling from the text from BG. It has been a few days and they have been texting and calling each other getting to know each other again. She has been happy and her girls keep asking her who put the smile on her face. She just grins and tells them she's happy to have reconnected to an old friend. She really can't say anything cause a couple of them are BG fans.  Oakley has been doing really well and there haven't been any more incidents, but JJ still is carrying and locking the doors during practice.
BG and Ko are planning on surprising her tonight at her game so he finished his interview and was headed to the farm to hang with Ko till time to go. He catches himself smiling and he realizes that he has been doing it a lot since JJ has been back in his life. He knows that he had always loved her and seeing her again that was a punch in the gut to him. He had listened to Amber bad mouth her from the time they arrived and she saw her with Ko. He had finally told her to shut up about JJ that she wasn't there and she better be glad she wasn't. Amber had gotten mad and went to bed but then again she was mad because he had said he was gonna head to the farm on that break. She hated the farm and all that it stood for, she had been trying to get him to buy a house in Nashville. Oh well he doesn't have to worry about that anymore.

JJ was eating lunch and Anita the school secretary called her down to the office. When she got there Anita was holding a beautiful bouquet of red roses and told them they were hers. JJ smiled, told her thank you and looked at them wondering who would send her roses and what for. She looked at the card and it said:

Just wanted to wish you luck on your first game, Coach. See you soon!

JJ went back to lunch wondering who sent them cause she knows that BG nor Ko would send her red roses. They know she hates red roses cause they remind her of her parents death. But just in case she sent both boys a text with the picture of the roses

JJ: Did either one of you do this? The card said wanted to wish me luck on my first game and see you soon.

Ko: It wasn't me
BG: me either, you hate red roses
Ko: maybe a secret admirer
JJ: Don't go there that is just creepy Ko
BG: we may not have been in touch for the last 5 years but we all know that they bring up bad memories for you.
JJ: I don't have a clue who sent them y'all and it's creeping me out.
BG: make sure you are carrying JJ and be safe but you are beautiful so it could be a guy that likes you and buttering you up 😡
Ko: 😂😂😂
JJ: Y'all are full of it guys I've got to get back to work 😝 love you
BG: Love you
KO: love you

BG looks at Ko and said," I think it may be Chase, he told her that he wanted to be friends but you and I both know that last week he wanted to bed JJ and felt that if he did you would have kicked his ass cause she was drunk."
Ko told him," I don't want to believe that but yeah I tend to agree with that theory. We just wait, he will show his hand before long. And then we watch JJ put him in his place. Any word from Amber this week?"
BG smiled, "nope I haven't heard from her been asked in interviews about cheating that she's claiming I cheated"
"How do you respond?"
"I tell them that I haven't ever cheated and to my knowledge she didn't either that she kept something important from me for the last 5 years and that I couldn't marry someone I couldn't trust."
"Oh that's good bro, we need to leave now"

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