Chapter 49

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  BG is handcuffed and sitting in the back of a police car when they come out with JJ on a stretcher. She is beaten he can see that and he knows that she was being raped. He drops his head because he didn't get to her in time. He let her get hurt on his watch, and she will never forgive him, because he will never forgive himself. Eli had told him how Amber was acting and he still let JJ go by herself yesterday.
   They are bringing out Jace's body when there is a commotion and Amber comes running up to the cop car and grabs BG he jerks away from her and said,"What the hell are you doing?"
Amber said,"Baby it's okay we will get through this together. I know you are hurting but you know as well as I do it's for the best that she is gone, now nothing can distract us and I will be here to help you. It's not like you really loved her. We can do a nice service and pay for her funeral and then just forget this ever happened."
   BG looks at the Sheriff as he walked up and said, "Amber did you do this?"
Amber said," Yes I did I took her and Jace took care of the rest to get her out of our lives. I mean it was easy to taze her and then Jace tied her up and well did his thing before he was gonna kill her. I guess you coming just speeded that up, but it doesn't matter cause it's over and we can be together now. I told you I loved you and that I would love you forever till death do us part, we just have to make it legal baby."
   BG stared at Amber and finally he said,"JJ isn't dead Amber, Jace is. You need help and I pray that you get it but if they didn't have me in handcuffs right now I would kill you just like I killed him.  You need to hear this loud and clear, I love JJ and if she lives through this I am going to marry her if she will still have me. You are dead to me Amber. Don't let my name cross your lips or even think about me cause I don't exist for you anymore."
   Sheriff Jack read Amber her rights and arrested her for the kidnapping of Jennifer Jaxon, they put her in a cop car and took her away.
  Sheriff Jack looked at BG and said," I'm taking you in Brantley and I have been informed that your lawyer is waiting and Judge   Carter and the DA have set up a bail hearing for you as soon as we get there. And son, off the record I want to tell you I am proud of you for protecting your family. But on the record I have to tell you that it was wrong and you should have let me handle it. I was already on the way here when you called."
BG just nodded and said," then get me in cause I need to get to JJ"

JJ realized that BG had shot Jace and that the sheriff had come in. She knew when they removed him from on top of her but she still couldn't move. They loaded her up onto a stretcher and wheeled past BG sitting in the cop car and that is when things started to fade and turn black.
   The paramedics called it in and told the ER that she had apparently been drugged cause she seemed awake but could not move anything and they no sooner said that and she stopped breathing and her heart stopped. They shocked her in the  ambulance and did CPR. They were able to get her heart started but had to intubate  her cause she was not breathing on her own. 
  As soon as they wheeled her into the trauma bay they drew blood to see what drugs they were dealing with. She was stable so they did the rape kit on her and xrayed her face and chest. She had a fracture in her cheek but it wasn't bad enough to require any  surgery. They gave her fluids and were waiting to see what drug she had been given, the doctor thought it was a paralytic that was usually given in surgery but that she had been given too much and that it why she coded. You were aware of what happened to you but you couldn't control any of your muscles including the ones that worked involuntarily. If that was the case then it would be several hours and it would wear off once her body processed it. They moved her to ICU . Ko had met her at the hospital and was staying with her since she couldn't speak for herself.

When they got BG processed he was able to speak with his lawyer. The lawyer told him that he would more than likely do some time since he had shot and killed Jace from behind and that they may try to make an example out of him since he was a celebrity taking the law into his own hands. That he may or not get bail for the same reason and that his mom was here just in case he did make bail.
  BG said," I don't give a damn about spending time in jail Ron. JJ is alive because I killed that sumbitch and I would do it again, my only regret is that I didn't get to beat the shit out of him before I shot and killed him. He was raping JJ when I shot him. He had her fucking tied to a bed and as Amber told me planned on killing her after he raped her so who gives a damn if I have to do time. She's alive and that is what is important. Now let's do this so hopefully I can get to her and make sure she is gonna be okay."

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