Chapter 80

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  JJ and BG were making their way back to Alabama for the graduation of her kids. BG was driving and the radio was on but turned down. He looks over to see JJ deep in thought. He asks,"what's on your mind darlin? "
  JJ smiles and says,"thinking about all my kids and how I never expected to be where I am today. I never thought that I would be back home in Georgia and I never thought that you and I would be married.  It still amazes me how it all has happened in such a short time."
  BG smiles and takes her hand and kisses it"well baby I am so glad that I have you back in my life. I could never forget you and I don't really know why I even tried. Is that all that is on your mind?"
"You know me to well I want to know what you think about starting a family?" JJ bites her lip as she looks at BG.
"Well I know we aren't getting any younger and I know that we both want a family but I am happy with it being just us or i am happy if you want to start a family now. I will leave that up to you baby."
"I want to start a family with you BG and I want to start it now as soon as possible because we lost so many years and I don't want to lose any more." JJ tells him.
" Well can we wait till we get to the farm before we start trying?" BG asks with a smirk.
JJ slaps his arm and said," you know what I meant crazy man"
BG laughs and says," yes but I just couldn't help teasing you. Now have you told Jake about the scholarship that he is getting from UGA?"
"No he wont know until I present it to him at graduation tomorrow night." JJ said
"Well it looks like we are here and can get started in that family baby " BG says as he puts the truck in park and takes the keys out.

Ko comes out and helps them get their bags and they all catch up on what has been going on at the farm. He asks JJ how she likes traveling with BG and she tells him she loves it. She has already been to look at a few camps as they were traveling and has some girls she will be watching the next few years. They all turn in because tomorrow is a big day and they have a drive to the school. JJ plans on packing the rest of her stuff from her house during the day so when they leave after graduation everything is done.

BG wakes up but realizes he is all alone and he gets up to go find JJ . He isn't surprised when he finds her and Ko out by the pens and he sees that JJ has a little fawn in her arms. He smiles knowing that she is going to be a great mother one day, he has seen that over their growing up years. He can only hope that they are started on that way after last night. As they turn back to the house he yells out the door, "we need to get a move on if we are going to get the house packed "
  They get on the road telling Ko they will see him at graduation.  As they pull in JJ sees the moving truck is here so she unlocks the door and directs them on what needs to be loaded and what is going to stay with the house. As they pack the last in the truck and it pulls out BG tells her she needs to get a shower so she can get ready. She does as he says and heads to the bathroom.  As she strips she turns the shower on letting the water warm up when BG comes in. She turns and says "we don't have time to play" He laughs and says," I know baby but I need a shower to so why waste water"  JJ laughs knowing that this was what her life was going to be like forever.

  As they walk into the stadium JJ is greeted with hugs from parents and students alike. She makes her way to her seat as she is the UGA representative for giving out scholarships. BG sits down beside her and asks if she's okay. She smiles with tears in her eyes and said "yeah I just didn't know it was gonna be this hard to say goodbye." He pulls her close and whispers," I got you and its not goodbye baby just see you later." JJ smiles and nods as the music begins for the class to walk in and take their seats. The salutatorian gives her address and now it is time for the scholarships to be given. As JJ waits her turn she looks at the class that she has taken care of for the past 3 years and smiles with pride at what they have accomplished. She makes her way to the podium and says"I am Jennifer Jaxon- Gilbert and I am here in behalf of the University of Georgia my first scholarship is to Oakley Marie Franks she is the recipient of a 4 year athletic scholarship that will pay for tuition room and board. She is also receiving a academic scholarship that pays for book and fees for 4 years. This means that she has a full ride from the University of Georgia.  Oakley accepts the papers and hugs JJ . JJ then says the next scholarship I am presenting is a full ride also for 4 years and it is given to a student who has persevered and overcome an obstacle that may have hindered them from continuing their education. This scholarship goes to Jake Aaron Smith. Jake makes his way and accepts the award and hugs JJ and for just a minute he stays in her embrace and then says thank you. JJ walks back to her seat with tears falling. Thereat of the scholarships are given out and Oakley gives her valedictory address. They call the names and hand out diplomas and the tossing of the hats . As it all ends the seniors all head to see JJ and BG and spend a few moments with them. BG talks with several and as it all comes to an end he goes to JJ knowing that this is going to be the hardest part for her. JJ leans into him and makes her way out of the stadium looking over the field, and then the buildings saying goodbye to the place that had been home for her the last 3 years of her life. She looks at BG and said," lets go home babe" BG pulls her close kisses the top of her head and walks with her to the truck, taking her home to Georgia.

I hope you all have enjoyed the story of JJ and BG and how they found their way back together. Sometimes those lost loves get a second chance, you just have to be brave enough to try.  Leave me a comment on what you liked or didn't like, always enjoy reafimh your thoughts.

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